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Ella's pov:

So you know how I said it's always weird and awkward between my mom and I?

Okay now take that and multiply it by a billion.

Why you may ask?

Well ever since dinner, that was two days ago, when she said all of that, I haven't had the right words to say to her.

I mean, it's weird thinking that she doesn't think so badly about me.

Usually when I went to talk to her, I would just say something and be like 'eh, she already thinks I'm a disgrace, who cares.'

And she knows that I heard her say what she said, I feel like ever since she has been making less eye contact with me, and commenting on my daily life less often.

Which is a good thing, but it makes me feel like I'm on some strange Alien spaceship and she isn't my real mom.


Well, at least I have my phone.

So if I'm really abducted, I can make a pizza order and maybe they can send a rocket delivery.


I refuse to be abducted and not have pizza.

That would be horrible.

But honestly, being abducted would be pretty cool.

At least I would be able to leave this house.

Speaking of house, I am currently sitting on the steps, I know, comfy right?

I am pretty much watching...

Stalking... any person who walks by, so pretty much the maids and the guards.

Because I don't have anything to do with my life right now, or probably the rest of my life if I am trapped here.

But I won't let that happen.

I turn 18 this year, which means I can leave this place and my parents aren't the boss of me anymore.

Which is awesome!!

I just have about six more months, but the wait will be totally worth it.

But again, where will I go?

Sure I have an education and all from those stupid classes, but what will I do?

I don't even know what I am interested in.

Well, as long as I am not sitting behind an office desk for the rest of my life.

But like, college?

I haven't applied for anything yet.

I mean, I still have one more year of school, which would have been my senior year if I wasn't homeschooled.

Suddenly, like a blur, I see my mom rush by, which I was confused at first because she wasn't wearing her loud heels that you could hear from like a mile away.

Oh no, this woman was barefoot.

Which I know you are in a house and I walk around barefoot here all the time..


She never leaves her bedroom without shoes so it's pretty weird.

So me being curious...

While highly cautious at the same time...

I follow her to her little office room right next to my dads and watch as she picks up a stack of papers and puts them straight in front of her.

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