Things Are Different

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Ella's pov:

"What do I do??!" I stress as I hold the phone away from my body like it was going to attack me at any second.

"Answer it!!" Julie says pointing to the phone as it keeps ringing.

But I shake my head, "Are you sure? Julie you were so upset..."

But before I could stop her, she walks over and pushed the answer button.

"No!! Don't-... Hey..." I quickly change my tone of voice, hopefully he didn't hear me freaking out at the last second."

"Ella!!! Are you okay? Where are you??" Luke's frantic voice shouts into the phone, making me wince.

"What are you talking about-..."

"You! My mom just told me that you went missing right around the time that someone broke in!! Are you hurt-.."

"Luke I'm fine, I promise."

Even though I am the one who 'broke in' to my own house, I felt like that was a conversation.... I wouldn't want to have over the phone.

"Where are you?"

I instantly look at Julie and she shakes her head, pretty much telling me not to say I'm at her house.

"I'm... at a friends." 

"What friend?"

Crap.. what do I say now...

"My.... face doctor... friend."

Face doctor?



"Ella..." there was a long pause, "can we talk?"

I watch as Julie nods her head at me from across the room.

I mouth an 'are you sure?' And she nods her head again.

"Okay... where would you like to meet?"

"I can come to your friends-.."

"No!!" I shout on instinct.

His voice pauses over the phone, and all I hear is his breathing, matching the steady of my own.

"Ella.. is there something you're not telling me?" It scared me to think that Luke wasn't joking around... his voice mimicked, well, the total opposite.

"My friend.. she is.. afraid of.. people."

I watch as Julie tries to hold in a laugh, even holding her stomach in the process to not make any sort of noise.

Meanwhile I am mentally face palming myself many, many times.

"...Would you just like to meet at the supermarket?"

"Yeah... that seems best." Without saying anything else, I end the call straight away.

"Face doctor? Afraid of people?" Julie laughs.

I pick up a pillow and throw it at her face, but that doesn't stop her laughter one bit.

"Shut up." I say covering my face with my hands.

After a couple of seconds, I remove my hands, "Why didn't you want Luke to know I was staying here?"

Julie just shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, I guess..." she says rubbing her bare arms.

"It's okay, you don't have to answer that." I smile.

She nods to my phone with her head, "You better get going, don't want to keep a certain boy waiting now do we?" She smiles.

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