Chapter 2

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A few days later, I've come to the conclusion that everyone most likely thinks I'm dead. I can't believe my dad did that though. He used me, his daughter, his own flesh and blood, as bait so he wouldn't die.

Well jokes one you, I'm still alive. And I'm planning on getting revenge.

Yesterday, I spent all day crying, knowing that he hated me enough to sacrifice me.

Had I done something wrong? I though I was good. I always did everything he asked. Although, he did used to beat me. No one new about it, and I never told anyone, but he did. He would only do it if he got real mad at something and needed to vent out his anger, so he used me.

He'd rather save himself than his own family. His own daughter. I always knew he was a little greedy and selfish when it came to certain things, but I never thought it would go this far. Where he'd basically try to kill me. I guess he really did hate me enough to do that.

But I didn't die.

I quickly learned that the black wolf was indeed the leader of this pack, and he decided to take me in for some reason.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but it is kind of weird.

The rest of the pack, which I learned was made up of six males, four females, and their cubs, also accepted me as one of their own.

As they went out to hunt, they trusted me with their pups and one adult would always stay with us, just in case.

The days fly by, and before I know it, a week has already passed.

I learned that wolves basically have four ways of communicating. Barking, growling, howling and whimpering.

I'm quickly growing used to living with wolves, as weird as it sounds. I know no one will come looking for me, so I might as will make the best of it.

Besides, it's fun playing with the pups.

Right now, most of the pack is out hunting. I've gotten used to eating raw meat, but I had to learn the hard way that I need to eat it slow so my body can have time to digest it and so I won't throw up.

My clothes are torn in many places, and I've become used to the cold temperatures as well.

Partially because it's starting to get warmer already, and the snow is melting.

Two days ago though, I decided to ditch the clothes. Now I only use them as a sort of blanket, but I don't even really need them anymore, since the warmth from the wolves is enough.

Two days ago, when the pack came back from hunting and saw me naked, they thought nothing of it. I was glad. They still snuggled up to me at night when it was time to sleep.

Now, they're letting me hunt with them also. Well, I just walk with them. They took a way slower pace for me so I could stay with them. When they caught sight of an animal though, only a few would run ahead to kill it. I watched the first time, fascinated at how agile and skilled they were at doing this.

I've regained my strength and feel as good as new. I even started exercising so I can try and gain some muscle. The pups just thought it was a new game though, and they would jump on me when I tried to do push-ups, or lick my face when I was doing sit ups.

This pack is my family now. And I know they won't abandon me like my other one did.

*** three years later ***

I stay silent as I crouch and stealthily walk up the small hill. The rest of the pack is behind me, waiting for me to make the first move.

When the timing is right, I pounce, and I end up on the back of the deer. It starts running around, and I quickly squeeze its neck to prevent it from breathing. It struggles, and ends up on the floor, gasping for breath as I squeeze tighter until it eventually falls limp in my arms.

When I get up, Shadow (that's what I named the leader of our pack) sinks it's teeth into to dears neck, to make sure it's dead completely.

The other wolves howl in delight as I stand there, panting from my first ever actual hunt with the pack.

I've been with these wolves for three years. I'm eighteen years old. On my third day here, I started tallying the days with a rock on the inside wall of the cave. The three wolf pups have grown into fine adult wolves and hunters. One of the females though is currently pregnant back in the cave, and one of the males is watching over her.

Shadow starts dragging the dead dear back to the cave, and when we get there, we let the pregnant wolf have the first bite.

Living with this pack has been amazing. I'm stronger than I ever thought I could be, and I feel loved. All the wolves treat me the same, except one.

For some reason, he doesn't like me. He was one of the three pups when I was first brought in. Every time I tried to pet or play with him, he would growl at me. But then Shadow would growl at him, and he would run away with his tail between his legs.

I named him Lucifer, because I thought it fit his personality. He's currently in a corner, staring angrily at me. He's snarling and showing his teeth, but stops when shadow looks in his direction. He knew he'd get in trouble if he was caught.

Shadow gets up and barks at a few of the wolves. They get up as well and follow him out of the cave and they immediately break into a run. They must have just wanted to go for a run around the woods for a while. I look around and realize almost all the wolves decided to go on the run. Only me, Lucifer, and the pregnant wolf are still in the cave. Lucifer is still staring at me, but now he's growling out loud. Bri, the pregnant wolf, is almost ready to have her pups. She's super big, and she's on bed rest until she has the pups. She knows she can't do anything, yet when Lucifer leaves his corner and starts walking toward me, she growls warningly at him. He takes no notice of her and keeps his eyes trained on me, baring his teeth the whole time. Bri tries to get up, but I gently lay a hand on her, telling her not to move. I stand up myself and stare at Lucifer. I didn't think he would ever try to fight me, but I guess that's what it has come down to. I still have no idea why he doesn't like me.

I get in a better position and brace myself for his first move. It comes only seconds later, when he growls loudly and leaps at me. I swiftly dodge him and punch his side. I may be strong, but I don't think I can take on a fully grown wolf on my own. Especially with no weapons.

Suddenly, Shadow barrels in and stands protectively in front of me and growls at Lucifer. Lucifer growls back and I feel it in my gut that this will be a fight to the death.

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