Chapter 31

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Hey guys! I'm back, sorry about the long wait. Lowkey haven't been feeling like writing lol cuz I've been re-reading the Harry Potter books, but here's the next chapter hope y'all enjoy!!

Isaac leads the way back to the pack house, and I'm right behind him, while Shadow and the pack all stand next to me.

Just like old times, I smile to myself.

When we finally make it back, some of our pack members are still making their way inside the pack house, but they stop and look when they see us coming. They whisper to each other as they see Shadow and the rest of the wolves, but Isaac tells them to head inside.

Once everyone is inside, Isaac turns to me. I stare back, wondering what he's about to say.

"Do you want them to come in with us? We can tell everyone who they are and what they did for you. And then we can also tell them the rest of the story. The beginning of it."

"Yeah. That'd be good. They deserve to know."

So we head inside, Shadow not questioning where we're going, staying right by my side the entire time. A hushed whisper starts from where we walk in, and flows down to everyone else when they catch sight of us. They look, point, then look away to whisper to each other some more. My pack family (the wolves will be called the pack family) don't seem at all fazed. They stand tall and proud behind Shadow and I.

Isaac steps forward and greets everyone, but no one is looking at him. They're all still looking at us. Isaac rolls his eyes and clears his throat. Immediately, hundreds of pairs of eyes turn to him, some faces looking sheepish, others glancing back at me before focusing on him completely.

"Right then. I can tell you all are eager to know why these wolves are here with us so we'll bring that up first. These wolves...they are very important in Clara's life. Your future Luna's life. Before we found her, seconds away from death, she had been living with them for three years. The reason? Well, I'll let her explain it." Isasc steps aside and motions me forward. I freeze.

Why the hell would he put me on the spot like that??!?!! RUDE!

I step forward with what I hope is confidence and clear my throat. And then I clear my throat again because ya know, can never have a too clear throat. Or can you? Either way, I end up clearing my throat a third time before I finally speak.

"Uh..." The best way to start a sentence am I right? Future Alpha Queen and can't even talk in front of people I really need to work on it.

"As Isaac said, they did raise me for three years. All those years ago, I was camping in these very woods a good ways away from here I think, and suddenly my dad had come.running saying we were being chased. It was these three wolves that were chasing us. I point to Shadow, and the two wolves beside him who I named Faith and Raine. Yeah, his top two in command were girls. Now keep in mind, well you guys didn't know this either. Well okay so basically, I didn't even know werewolves existed three years ago. That's one of the reasons we were having this meeting today actually, so everything will fit in. But yeah, so we were being chased, b ut inwas falling behind. Being the youngest in the family and the shortest,  it does that to you. When I thought my dad was reaching out to grab me, turns out he was doing the opposite. He pushed me back so I fell and they kept running. He was hoping the wolves would forget about them and prey on me. Well they go away, but obviously they didn't kill me. They became my family."

I look down at them and Shadow barks and wags his tail. I look back to our pack and notice they are all looking at me with rapt attention. I glance over at Isaac and he motions for me to continue.

"Also a very important thing. We all know....attacks have been going on around here. And they have all been targeting me. We don't know for sure why, and we don't know for sure who is behind them. But we think it's my father. He left me to the wolves all those years ago, he used to abuse me when I was little, why wouldn't it be him? One of our own turned on us to try to poison me, we've been attacked multiple times and yet we still stand strong. Yet here I am, still alive. And as long as I am, these attacks will keep coming. We need to keep an eye out for anything fishy going on, and if you know anything or find out anything please come up to us immediately. But before we close the meeting, a very important thing needs to be said. The last attack on us, we captured someone for questioning. Turns out he was my brother. And he's a human that knows nothing of the existence of our kind. If you need to shift, do it out in the woods. He mustn't find out what we are. Not right now at least. He will be staying in the pack house with us until I say so. Thank you." I bow my head and step back, and Isaac walks up again.

"That's all for today. Ah don't forget though, the bonfire is tonight! Everyone is to attend if you don't your punishment will be punishment enough by not having the time of your lives!" Everyone laughs and he dismisses us. As everyone files out, Isaac walks up behind me and his arms snake around my waist.

"You did great." I feel his lips on the side of my neck and I sigh, feeling relaxed.

Isaac leads the way out moments later, and my pack family stay beside me as we walk to the pack house. As soon as we walk inside, all the wolves jump kn the couches and lay down. I laugh as the younger ones start play fighting.

Everything is starting to fall into place.

Or so I thought...

Left To The Wolves [On Hold]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant