Chapter 18

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And now it's at 900! Holy fudgeballs! Y'all are gonna make me have a heart attack. Or make me look crazy in public since the huge smile on my face won't go away.

And I'm sorry guys I know I said I was going to post yesterday, but I literally had no time to work on it. But here it is! So my updating schedule for this book (until college starts which is a week away) is everyday or every other day. Just depends on if I remember to update the next day or not. But it's always going to be one or two days!

I rush out the room and downstairs to see a huge silver wolf fighting another wolf just as big as him, if not just a little smaller. I stand there in shock, not knowing what to do. Other wolves run in, and I don't know if they're on our side or not.

Apparently not, since right after I think that, they go for Isaac.

He had just shaken off the first wolf he was fighting when he's knocked down by another one. Panicking now, I grab a vase from a small table next to me and throw it as hard as I can. It smashes against the wolf's head, and it cries out before spinning around and locking it's eyes on me.

I get into a defensive stance. Bob hadn't taught me to fight others in wolf form, so I'll just have to try my best. It lunges for me, and I dive out of the way.

More wolves barge in and start fighting the others in the room.

Looks like back up is here.

The wolf growls before charging toward me, teeth barred. I wait for the perfect moment before I jump to the side and kick it's face. The wolf wastes no time and tackling me to the floor after the initial shock of my kick.

I freeze, images coming back to me from when I was last with Shadow and the rest of the pack. My body doesn't move as the wolf continues to growl above me. But suddenly it stops growling, and it backs up. I stand up immediately, my mind back in control of my body, and I go back into a defensive stance. It stares at me for a moment longer before it howls and runs back to the living room.

Other wolves stop fighting as well, and about half of them leave with the other one.

I stand there confused, and then Isaac is in front of me, naked as the day he was born, with a concerned expression in his face. I blush as I try to keep my eyes trained on his, and not let them go lower.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened? Did that wolf get you?" He continues rambling for a moment before I place my hand over his mouth. He freezes and just stares at me.

And then he licks my hand.

I scrunch up my nose and wipe it on his bare shoulder. My blush deepens when I am once again reminded that he is indeed naked.

"Uh..." I clear my throat and look away at the wall next to me.

"Clara? What's wrong?" He asks.

I clear my throat again before speaking. "You're naked."

At that, he smirks. "You can look all you want. I'm all yours," he whispers the last part, and my face turns more red.

"Go put on some shorts or something. I'll check on the guys in the living room."

"No! They're gonna be naked too, I don't want you lookin at them. You go upstairs, and I'll check on them."

I roll my eyes. "Fine." I stomp childishly up the stairs and wait for Isaac in his room

When he comes back up, he thankfully has a pair of shorts on.

"So what happened?" I ask him. He looks troubled by something.

"That pack of rogues ambushed our warriors on the east side of the pack, which is the closest one here. They got killed, and were already here before the other warriors were informed."


"Yeah. But one of the wolves left this note. It has your name on it."

"What?!" I take the envelope from him and rip it open. The first and only sentence has my face paling.

"What is it?" Isaac asks. I shake my head numbly. He takes the paper from my hand and reads it out loud.

"We know who she is.


"Who the hell is 'A'?" He asks confusedly.

"No idea. But now we know they're after me." I run my fingers through my hair and sigh.

"This just got a whole lot more serious," Isaac mumbles. "How?" I ask.

"Because when you were taken, a group of humans had also come looking for you, but you were gone before they realized. We killed most of them, but a few got away."

"Oh..." I don't know what to say to that, so I say nothing.

"Hey, look at me." I lock my eyes with Isaac's.

"We won't let them get you. I promise."

***Unknown POV***

"Why did you kill him?! We could have tried another way to get it out of him!" Mason yells. I glare at him, and he snaps his mouth shut, still breathing heavily.

"Watch how you speak to me," I tell him angrily. "I'm the boss here. I make the rules, and I do what I want. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Now get out of my sight."

He leaves, slamming the door behind him. I roll my eyes and groan as I loosen the tie around my neck. He's right, though. We could have tried other ways to get the information out of him, and I probably shouldn't have killed him when I did. But I mean, he practically told me to himself. And plus, he got me angry. I don't think right when I'm angry.

Actually, I don't think at all.

Oh well, too late now.

We wouldn't have to be going through this if she died when she was supposed to. Which was when she got left to the wolves. They were supposed to kill her, but apparently they didn't.

And that also made me mad.

I mean seriously, I basically risked my own life to provoke them, and they end up not killing her?! We handed her to them on a snowy platter, young and unable to fight for herself, but they don't kill her.

Stupid wolves...

No matter, if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that I always get my way. And this time will be no different.

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