Chapter 25

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry it's taking so long, but college is killing me, and it's only the end of the third week. But I was finally able to get on here and publish this chapter! So I hope you enjoy!

***unknown POV***

I'm currently sitting on the cold, concrete floor of my cell. Which sucks because literally, I can see a few other cells from here, since they have the steel bars, and those have beds and pillows.

Like, what the hell.

How come I don't get a bed? I already can't feel my legs from staying in this position for so long, and I don't feel like getting up.

But what's most surprising, is that I can't think of a way to get out.

There are two guards always patrolling the one hall in the middle of the cells, and more on the outside.

I thought that since we're like in the middle of nowhere, and they have no weapons, I'd easily be able to find a way out.

Guess I thought wrong.

Now I have no idea what to do, except sit here and hope those guys that brought me here don't want to kill me.

I have a business to run, after all.

I hear a light gasp come from outside my cell, so I raise my head from where I just had it tucked into my chest.

A shocked gasp leaves my own mouth.

***Clara's POV***

"So yeah, I think that's everything," I finish my story about the goings on of everything, and Damien and Jasmine are shocked to say the least.


"I'm not repeating anything. It took me a whole fifteen minutes to say it. I could have used that fifteen minutes to eat. I'm starving."

I get up and head towards the door, but Isaac stops me.

"Clara! I don't want you going anywhere alone anymore. At least not for a while."

"Fine, then come on!" I head out the door and down the stairs, knowing he'll follow me.

Since Isaac already knew everything, while I was telling Damien and Jasmine, he was mind-linking other pack members about how I safely made it back and blah blah blah.

I walk outside and feel Isaac grab my hand in his own. Sparks shoot up through my arm from his touch, and I  get a little closer as we walk away from the house and down a small dirt path.

"So where do you want to eat?" He asks as we pass a few pack members.

"I don't know. Anywhere's good, really."

"Burgers it is."

We walk into a small burger joint that is full, but not completely full.

"Alpha! It's wonderful to see you here. Right this way. Table for two?" A waiter asks. Isaac nods with a smile on his face, and we follow the waiter to a booth in the very back, right by a window.

We sit across from each other, and the waiter hands both of us menus before asking what we'd like to drink.

"I'll just have water. Clara?"

"Do you have Sprite?"

"We do."

"Then I'll take that please."

"Of course. I'll be back shortly with your drinks and to take your order."

Thirty minutes later, my food is completely gone, and I'm eating half of what Isaac ordered, which was chicken tenders and fries.

"Alright, where to next?" He asks as he pays the bill. I shrug my shoulders. I was just hungry, and now that I'm not, I'm just bored and will pretty much do anything.

"It's up to you."

"Well, let's head back to the house and rest. You've had a long day."


Half way back to the house, Isaac's steps falter, and then he stops walking completely. I stare at him in confusion, but then realize he's mind-linking with someone.

A few seconds later, his eyes come back into focus, and he stares at me with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, both concerned and confused.

"Well, a couple days ago, these guys came and we ended up fighting and stuff, and basically, one of the guys we captured is freaking out or something, so I need to go see what's up."

"Oh. Can I go?"

"Nope. You're going back to the house to wait for me.

"No I'm not! I'm going with you."

"No. You're really not."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"Psh. If you've forgot already, I'm going to be the next Alpha Queen. I can do whatever I want."

"And your my mate, which means I'm going to be the Alpha King. And I don't want you going."

"I could always reject you."

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I'm pinned against a tree by Isaac, his front pressed against mine.

"But you wouldn't want to," he whispers, and he lowers his head to the crook of my neck, and starts to leave a trail of kisses.

A small moan escapes my mouth when he gets to the skin where my neck meets my shoulder.

"And I won't let you do it."

He pulls away, and a light blush tints my cheeks at what we, or really he, just did.

"I can take care of myself. I'm going whether you like it or not, and that's final."

He sighs, and I know he's given in.

"Fine. Just stay right by me at all times.


We walk further into the trees and after about five minutes of walking, we come up to the guards in front of the cells.

"Alpha, Luna," one greets. I smile and wave, and Isaac nods in acknowledgement. They let us by, and  we walk into the concrete building, and down a long set of stairs.

Once down here, I see that the cells are lined up in a really long line, on either side of a single hall in the middle.

I follow Isaac all the way down the hall, and we stop in front of a cell on the right hand side, where a guy is sitting on the floor, close to the corner of the cell, his head bowed. He shifts slightly, and I see what his face looks like. A gasp leaves my mouth at who this is, and upon hearing me, he picks his head up and stares right at me.


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