16: History: After... (pt 2)

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"Fuck!" Yoongi yelled, practically ripping his hair out, "Why did no one see where she went?!" He shook his head as his friends watched him in disbelief, "Its my fault.."

Yoongi fell to the ground in anger, sadness, and frustration. Jimin, who felt terrible, ran over to the crying boy, kneeling down beside him, "Hyung... I'm sorry. Its my fault. I started this fight," Jimin stood up, quickly bowing to his elder, respectfully and fully, "Please accept my apology."

Taehyung ran over, bowing as well, "Its my fault too. I'm sorry. Please accept my apology."

Yoongi looked up at the boys, seeing the tears in Taehyung's eyes and the sadness in Jimin's. Anger boiled the boy's blood. He stood up, quickly shoving them and running past as quickly as possible.

His everything... was gone.

Possibly for good.

He ran into his home, ignoring the yells of his parents as he slammed the front door shut, running up the stairs and into his bedroom, crying the whole way. He shut the bedroom door roughly, leaning his back against it, sliding down.

He hit his head against the cold wood, resting his arms on his bent knees.

He needs her.

And he's going to find her, even if it's the last thing he ever does.


It was several years later and Yoongi finally turned 25.

He was hiding in his studio, stalking social media accounts, when some of his group members rang the doorbell. Yoongi rolled his eyes, opening both of the doors to meet Jimin holding a cake full of candles with Hoseok holding a camera and Taehyung and Seokjin behind them, singing.

"Happy birthday, Yoongi!" Jimin yells, holding the cake out for him. Yoongi smiles, bending down a little and blowing out the candles, a little cheer coming from the four other boys.

"Hyung!" Hoseok yells, pointing towards the living room, "We have a surprise for you!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, looking back at his laptop longingly for a moment before shutting both doors and following the others into the other room.

There, he found Jungkook excitedly standing beside Namjoon, who was holding a paper in his hand. The others stood behind the male, grinning.

"Namjoon, what is that?"

Namjoon just smiled at his elder, holding out the paper for him. Yoongi took it, reading the information on the sheet.


"We found her."

Yoongi's mouth dropped open as he scanned the sheet again. Address, phone number, school... it was all there.

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