Roller Skating

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"Where are we going?" I asked Tyler for the umpteenth time.

It was a week later, Friday and ever since we left school, Tyler has been driving me to an unknown destination. He didn't even tell me anything, but instead of turning in the direction of home, he took a different road.

When I had asked him where we were going, he just told me that we are going somewhere, but he refused to share the location with me.

"You'll soon find out." Was his response now.

"I don't understand why I have to go with you." I replied.

"Because, it will be great." He said as if that answered my question.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared in front of me. "Well why you won't tell me? You're such a meanie."

Tyler took a quick look in my direction and then chuckled. "I know."

After driving in silence with me watching the surroundings to our destination, the car finally pulled to a stop. I also noted that it took us thirty minutes to get here.

I craned my neck to look out the window of the parked car. Tyler was parked in front of a building on our right side. I looked up and read the sign that was printed on the building in big, bold black letters.

My eyes widen in surprise when I realized where we are. I turned to face Tyler. "You took me to a Skating Arena?"

Tyler nodded. "I remembered when you mentioned that you haven't skated before. Why not give it a try now?"

I shook my head, smiling. "You're always doing some unexpected things Tyler King, but anyways I don't mind this at all." I replied. I've always wanted to try roller skating, but never got around to do it. I turned back around and pulled the car door. "Come on. Let's go."

When we entered the building, Tyler rented roller skates, knee pads and wrist guards for both of us. We then walked down a few steps to the skating area. We then sat on a bench and put them on.

When I was done, I stood up. However, it wasn't easy as I felt my foot sliding from under me. I held unto the bench to regain my balance then sit down again.

Gosh...this was harder than I had thought.

"You know, I don't have any idea what I'm doing here." I said to Tyler as he finished putting on his skates and stood up without falling.

Tyler laughed. "That's okay. I'll show you. It's actually easy. You'll get used to it in no time."

Knowing how difficult it was for me to stand a while ago, I shook my head. "I don't think so."

"First, you have to master walking with the skates on." As he said that, he moved across the floor without no problem at all. It was like second nature to him. He then skated back to me. "It's like riding a bicycle."

"That's easy for you to say. Besides, how can you compare this to riding a bicycle?" I asked flabbergasted.

Tyler crossed his arms over his chest. "Come on, you've always wanted to roller skate. Now that you have the opportunity, are you going to just give up and sit here all day?"

He was right. How am I supposed to learn if I sit here and complain about how difficult it is? I have never been a quitter before and I'm not going to start now. Especially with something that I've always wanted to do.

After a while, I sigh loudly and Tyler grins.

"Okay, let's do this." I replied, gathering all the confidence I had.

"Now that's better." He extends his hand to me and with his help this time, I was standing. I still hang on to him though for fear if I let go, I'll fall flat on my face. Tyler guided me to the skating area.

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