This Is Where It Ends

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When Logan and I had dated, I thought we were a great couple. He was sweet, kind and played the role of a boyfriend perfectly. He made me feel special and I loved hanging out with him, but that was just it.

There was no spark or any deep emotional connection with him. We didn't have any heart stopping moments or strong chemistry. I was his girlfriend and he was boyfriend but only in name, so it was like we were playing that role and just existing.

I met Logan in the computer lab at school. I was walking towards a computer station and he was going for the same one. None of us had seen the other. When we reached the station, we both put our hand on the chair at the same time. He then turn to face me and smiled, before saying that I could have that one. He then took the one beside me.

For the entire time we spent in the computer room, we talked and that's how we became friends. After that, we started hanging out together. A month later, he told me he likes me and he enjoys when we hang out. He then asked if we could be a couple. He was sweet and really cool, so I agreed.

We fell apart because there wasn't any love or even any strong feelings between us. So I'm guessing that is why he took on the first opportunity when someone else offers sex to him. He didn't really care about me or my feelings.

I was deluded and thought I loved him because he was so great and treated me well, but really I didn't love him at all.

With Tyler it was different.

This feeling that I have as it regards to him was unidentifiable. I've never felt this way before. Not with Logan.

What I feel for Tyler is new and unexplainable.

Whenever I was around him or even thinking about him, my heart would skip a beat and my stomach would have this weird feeling as if a thousand butterflies were inside trying to get out. He makes me laugh and smile without effort and I enjoy being around him.

However, all that didn't make any difference because Tyler doesn't see me that way. He also isn't the type to give himself fully to one girl. He made that perfectly clear in his words and actions.

I was really confused. That is why I went over to Tori's house the following day. I really wanted to talk to her about what happened yesterday. I also wanted someone to talk to about how I was feeling.

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. During the rest of the hike, neither Tyler nor I said anything about the kiss. Well, we were around Rachel anyway, so we couldn't really discuss it.

When we left the hiking trail and got home, I just said a quick goodbye to both him and his mother and went home. I really wanted to know what the kiss meant, but I was afraid to ask. I was afraid of his response.

Maybe it meant nothing and Tyler already forget about it, so it would have been super awkward if I brought it up. It's best if I just forget about it.

After telling Tori everything that had happened, I lay on her bed and look up at the ceiling. "I don't know but this is getting really complicated. Complicated for me." I replied. "I never expected anything like this to happen."

Tori, who was sitting with her back to the headboard, asked in a serious tone of voice. "You really like him, don't you?"

"Yes." I said not bothering to deny it. I then lift my head from the bed a little to face Tori. "Tori, how did I let this happen?" I groaned.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Emily. You can't control your feelings." Tori replied.

"Yeah, but I went and get my feelings involved and now everything is complicated." I said, lying on the bed again. "It's obvious, Tyler wouldn't be into a girl like me. Plus, he's in love with Andrea. It's only a matter of time before they get back together. He was in love with her once, it won't take long before their love is rekindled."

Tori was quiet for a while, before she asked. "So what are you going to do?"

I sat up in the bed and turned to face Tori fully this time. "I think it's time for our fake dating to come to an end." I said as the thought came to me. "We don't need to do this anymore, Tori. Logan haven't said a word to me since our last talk and Tyler's mother won't bother him again about his sleeping around habits."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Tori asked.

I thought about it, then shake my head. "Yes I'm sure. The girl he once love is now back. I don't want to complicate things by being in the way."

It made sense. Tyler and I don't need each other anymore. There's nothing to keep us together. I met Tori's gaze as I finally made up my mind.

"Yes, ending this is the best thing to do for both of us." I said.


When I left Tori's house, I went directly to Tyler's. I wanted to get this out of the way as soon as possible.

As soon as I got to his house, I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I stood fiddling with my fingers as I waited for him to answer.

A few seconds later, the door was opened revealing Tyler. He smiled when he sees me. "Hi Emily."

"Hi Tyler. I need to talk to you."

"Sure." He said opening the door for me to enter. When I stood in the living room, he closed the door and faced me. "What's up?" He asked.

"Um...I think it's time for us to end our fake dating." I said getting straight to the point.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he was quiet for a while. "Why?" He asked after a few seconds.

"Well, Logan isn't bothering me anymore and your mother is okay with you again. So, there's no need for us to continue anymore." I explained, trying my best not to let my feelings bely my words.

Tyler looked at me for what seems like a long time without saying anything. "Okay." He finally said then cleared his throat. "You're right. That makes sense."

I finally met his eyes. "So, it's agreed then?"

"Uh, yeah sure." He replied. I stood there for a while not sure what to do before he asked. "What would we say to people?"

"We grew apart. It was a mutual agreement and we're still friends. No one would question it." I replied.

"Friends." He repeated as if the word was foreign. "Okay." He said finally.

I looked at him for a few seconds. I really wanted to just walk over to him and hug him right now. Just to be in his arms one last time and feel him close to me. We weren't going to date anymore, so we won't be in each others arms anymore. We won't even be close to each other.

Of course, I didn't do that though. He would looked at me weirdly and wondering why I did it. I wouldn't have any viable explanation. I didn't want to scare him and show my feelings in anyway.

"Thank you for helping me. I'm glad you did." I said before things get awkward.

"You know, the pleasure was all mine." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. It wasn't his usual confident and happy smile that I was accustomed to.

I looked at the floor for a bit before facing him again. "So um, thanks again."

"Yeah, anytime."

I left his house and walked over to mine feeling utterly incomplete.

I couldn't explain the feeling, but it was as if I left my heart behind.

AN: I hope you like this chapter!

Please vote ⭐ if you did ❤

I'm so sorry for taking so long to update 😔

Chapter dedication to broo_vb17 Thank you so very, very much for your continued support for my story. It's much appreciated 😊❤

Stay safe everyone!

Much love 😘😘


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