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Four Months Later

"Where are you and Stephanie going?" I asked Tori. She was sitting at her dresser, brushing her hair, while I was laying on her bed.

Tori stopped what she was doing and looked at me through her mirror. "Nowhere fancy. We're just going to the movies." She answered.

"That sounds like fun." I replied.

Tori and Stephanie were officially together after four months of being in denial. It really did take a long time for them to finally come to terms with how they felt. Finally they dropped the whole 'just friends' charade. Also, I think it had to do with the fact that Stephanie was not out as a lesbian to her family as yet and she was slowly working through that. The only person in her family who had known at the time was her older brother. 

Now today, Saturday, they were going on their first date. Tori had asked me to come over to her house to help her pick out a nice outfit. Tori didn't want to admit it, but she was nervous to go on this date. This was her first time going on a date in her life.

When Tori was finished at her mirror, she stood up and faced me. "So, how do I look?"

"You look great." I said.

"Are you sure?" She pressed.

"Tori, Stephanie really likes you. I can see that. So, just relax and be your awesome, amazing and confident self." I reassured her with a smile. Honestly, it was weird seeing Tori unsure about anything. This was a new side to her. "And besides, I guarantee you that Stephanie is home doing the exact same thing." I added, even though Stephanie was the confident type.

Tori smiled. "You're right. I don't need to be nervous." She said. "So speaking of dates, are you and Tyler doing anything today?"

"Not really. We're just going out for ice cream." I stated.

Tori smiled. "I bet that was your idea." She guessed, knowing me so well.

Nodding my head, I laughed. I then took up my phone that was beside me and checked the time. It was 1:40pm. I sat up in the bed instantly. "Oh crap, I'm late." I said.

Tori looked in my direction. "What time did you guys planned to get ice cream?" She questioned.

"Two pm." I answered as I got up from Tori's bed. "I've got to go. Tell me how your date went."

"Okay, bye." Tori said as I left her room.


When I got home, I had a quick shower and got dressed. When I was ready, it was 2:15pm. I took up my phone and went downstairs. As I descended the stairs, I saw Tyler sitting on the couch waiting for me.

I smiled and walked over to him. "Hi, how long have you been here?"

Tyler looked up when I said that. "Hey. I just got here. Your stepmother let me in." He answered. He then stood up and approached me. "Are you ready to go?"

I nodded my head. "Yes." I replied. "Sarah!" I called to Sarah who was in the kitchen. "I'm leaving now okay?"

Sarah appeared at the doorway of the kitchen. "Okay dear. Please be careful." She then turned to Tyler. "Your mom told me she was coming over. Is she still coming?"

Tyler nodded. "Yes, when I left she was getting ready to come over here."

"That's good. I'm preparing casserole. I hope she likes that." She said.

"She does." Tyler confirmed. Sarah smiled at that. Sarah was now six months pregnant and was showing it. It seems like everyday her belly was getting bigger and bigger. I really couldn't wait for the baby to get here. "Do you know the gender?" Tyler asked Sarah.

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