My Real Boyfriend

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"I don't have to ask why you two are holding hands and looking like a couple." Tori said as soon as she saw Tyler and I the following day.

We walked over to where she stood. "Hello to you too, Tori."

Tori smiled. "So you two are dating for real now, right?"

"Yes it's real." Tyler supplied wrapping his arms around me.

"I knew something was up all along. I was just waiting for you both to admit it. I've never seen fake dating looked so real before." She emphasized.

I smiled at Tori's excitement. "Yes Tori, you were right."

"Of course I was. I know a perfect match when I see one." She said proudly.

"Yes and I'm not letting her go so easily." Tyler added sending a wink my way.

"Awww," Tori sighed. "Tan Lindo." After a while she said. "Anyway, I hope you didn't forget that today is the girl's soccer team championship game."

"Yes, I remember." I nodded. How could I? They had announced it in assembly yesterday.

"So, are you going?" She asked hopefully. "It's the last game of the season."

"Of course I'm going. I am definitely going to give Stephanie my support. Plus, I would really like to see how a soccer match is played." I said.

Tori looked at Tyler. "Are you coming as well, Tyler?"

"Of course he's coming." I answered for him.

"Yeah, what she said." Tyler confirmed.

"Great." Tori replied. "I'm going to class. I'll see you guys later." Tori bid us goodbye and head to her class.

Tyler and I had English together. He followed me to my locker and then we went to his. I leaned on the locker beside his and waited for him to get his books. As I stood there, I spotted Logan at his locker a few rows down. He wasn't looking at us, he was busy inside his locker.

The whole situation brought me to think about that very first time when I walked over here and kissed Tyler. Looking back, I can't believe I really did that. I was really brave and confident which wasn't normally me. All I could think about at the time was getting Logan off my back. It worked, but that wasn't the best thing that came out of this whole situation. I got Tyler out of this.

Also, I can't believe we pulled it off without anyone knowing that it was fake. Well, that doesn't matter now because we weren't faking anymore. If I thought about it, I didn't regret making this deal with Tyler because we wouldn't be a couple now.

I smiled to myself. Yup, I wouldn't change a thing about what I did that day.

"What are you smiling about?" Tyler asked as he closed his locker. I snapped out of the memory and looked at him.

"I'm just remembering the first time I came here to your locker." I confessed.

Tyler smiled and leaned his shoulder on his locker. "Yeah, I remember that day perfectly clear. It was all I could think about actually."

I watched him closely. "Yeah right." I stated unconvinced.

"It's the truth. I couldn't get that kiss out of my head." He insisted. "All I could think about was kissing you again." I smiled at him and was about to respond to that when Logan, who I didn't remember was at his locker, walked passed us. As he passed, he looked at us for a second before looking away and continued walking.

Tyler, who noticed him as well, turned to face me again. "Is he still bothering you?"

I shook my head. "No. He actually apologized and told me that he would leave me alone now."

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