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金骏眉 is Jin Jun Mei Tea or Golden Monkey Black Tea. In Chinese, 'Jin Jun Mei' means 'Golden Eyebrows'. However, in the West, black teas with golden buds from Fujian are also known by the name Golden Monkey. This is because the buds with a layer of black hairs resemble the skin of a monkey. Malty and honey-sweet, with the subtle fruity aroma of oranges. This wild-picked bud tea provides a uniquely rich and savoury cup reminiscent of fresh-baked, whole-grain toast with a touch of sweet honeyed butter on top. The malty profiles of barley and wheat are in the foreground, followed by an aftertaste that reveals the fine bud quality of the tea through a fruity scent of oranges. Jun Mei leaf tea is a great beauty tea as it can assist in your weight reduction program and beautify the skin. In addition, it can nourish the stomach, strengthen the immune system, calm the nerves, and slow down the aging process.


Winds blew past the ebony black hair, spreading it out like a curtain of darkness compared along with beautiful fiery red feathers blew past in the wind. Zhi Rou, Jiangsu, Chen, The Second Prince and Kuan-Yin sat on Jingwei's back as they went to set up for Zhi Rou's wedding. Jingwei became the bride's carriage, Jiangsu and Chen became her bodyguards. Kuan-Yin became Zhi Rou's guardian to ensure her safety on this trip. Fan was also there for safety precautions staying in the shadows, "Mistress is this safe?" Fan was worried about this plan.

Kuan-Yin smiled at Fan, "Well it's the best way to get in without be caught and to answer your question, " Kuan-Yin's answered Fan's question, "No, it's not safe, " the wind blew gently on Kuan-Yin's hair, giving it an illusion of flowy goddess hair.

"Yin'er what is the second prince doing here?" Jiangsu was checking if his armour was working properly.

"He's here so he can get some combat experience, but also his companion can get some experience, " Kuan-Yin pet the small divine snake that was in her lap. It looks like that she was the owner instead of the second Prince.

"How come his companion isn't with him?" Zhi Rou adjusted her dress in an effort to loosen the dress.

"Well, in my past life, I raised this little one's mother and so the child can feel an affinity with me since the mother and I had a contract, " Kuan-Yin fed pieces of meat to the little snake. The snake was happily eating the chunks of meat from Kuan-Yin's hand, the prince stared with admiration of the knowledge and fame that Kuan-Yin had acquired.

"With this companion, you need to feed it meat, water and try fish if it likes it, " Kuan-Yin scratched the top of the snake's head, "What's your companion's name?"

"Lan, " the second prince smiled proudly with his name choice, "But, with this battle, I think I will be a nuisance instead of being any help, " he sighed.

"You learn to fight and not get in people's way, " Chen finally spoke after being so quiet, "Everyone starts off like this, so quickly learn so you don't get in people's way, " he had given good advice to the prince despite barely knowing him. Kuan-Yin gave everyone a bamboo wrapped sticky rice filled with various savoury fillings insides. The sticky rice contained mushrooms, eggs, mushroom, pork and Asian sausages. Everyone silently ate the delicious short meal before heading out to battle.

"The bride has entered, " the enunch announced loudly into the hall turning everyone's attention to the beautifully dressed Zhi Rou. The red veil hid the beauty's face from the audience seeing the bride. People awed at the extravagant carriage that had bought the bride along with the presents. Kuan-Yin walked up to present the gifts for the in-laws, the best quality wine that this continent had to offer but to Kuan-Yin this was an utter disgrace that this was considered the best in the continent.

Everyone was given a cup of wine to rejoice in this happy occasion, soon they were soon realized they were paralysed by the wine. Chen, Fan and Jiangsu were killing off the guards that hadn't drunk the wine, while Jingwei and the second was helping Zhi Rou find the location of the city lord's province seal. Kuan-Yin walked up to Hu Jian who was paralysed by the alcohol, lifting his head to meet her eye by the hair. "Were you happy to have killed me like this? Slaughtering the family that cared for me? Using poison while my guard was down?" Kuan-Yin's snarled angrily at Hu Jian but Hu Jian stared at the girl in confusion. Jiangsu had taken Chen away from the scene to let Kuan-Yin be alone.

"I don't know who you are! If it's was me who killed your family! I will give you money! I will give you anything! Just let me live!" he desperately tried to negotiate with the girl.

"The only place you will be living in is in hell, " She slit his throat open with her knife so that he could die slowly while bleeding out. Kuan-Yin walked out of the room to the front door where all the villagers were curious of the screams that were coming out of the place, "You are no longer under the rule of Hu Jian, you are free, I will place a trustworthy people to look after you but remember you must help yourself to flourish in this harsh world, " the wind blew Kuan-Yin's hair and clothes which were stained by Hu Jian's blood. Showing the villagers that she was indeed the person who had saved them. They were grateful to the girl who was barely a woman that had beautiful hair that was imaginable black, features that could rival a goddess and an aura that could conquer nations.

"We must aid the people, " Kuan-Yin and the others had helped the villagers were food, money and other little items that could help the villagers get back on track. The villagers saw the group as divine people who had been sent down from the heavens to help them from the dark times.

Kuan-Yin helped those will sickness, injuries and the deceased, a little boy walked up to her, "Are you are a heavenly fairy?" his eyes sparkled radiant waiting for the answer hoping that she was. Kuan-Yin smiled at the boy and patted his head, "No, I'm not a heavenly fairy but I am a doctor willing to help whenever I can, " The boy smiled, even the woman wasn't a fairy he believed that she was.

Many parents of sons of marriage age asked Kuan-Yin for her hand in marriage since they hoped for a daughter like this with her qualities of being sweet, caring, can cook well, knows medical knowledge, is very strong and has a motherly instinct to her. But, Chen had overheard this and walked out of the Kuan-Yin encasing her in his arms, "Sorry but she is my fiancee, " Chen bought her closer to his body. The others were disappointed that this girl was already engaged to someone else. He grasped Kuan-Yin's hand with his hand, giving her hand a gentle kiss, "l like the way your hand fits in mine, " His deep voice vibrate against Kuan-Yin's back instantly making her blush but also heat up at an unimaginable speed.

Soon, she slipped out of his embrace and coughed in an attempt to relax her pounding heart. "We must hurry the lily cannot wait any longer, " Jiangsu, Jingwei and Chen followed her to the location of the Spider Lily. The Lily was illuminating a beautiful red sheen that seen to look like glass that was about the break. Up close it looked like a masterpiece of glass sculpting where the details looked like an actual flower. Kuan-Yun father her qi to her palms and she dug up the plants with her palms. The roots of the plants were pungent black where the plant seems to wrap itself around her arms, to put up a defense mechanism.

"Let's go before the plant decides to die, " Kuan-Yin's mounted Jingwei along with the others, "Also, notify anyone not to touch me, otherwise they will die." The rest of the group returned to Jingwei Sect and everyone stayed at a safe distance in case anyone would touch it. Kuan-Yin's slowly chipped away the glass plant and the liquid and broken glass fell into the bowl below instantly killing the plant. Kuan-Yin strained the liquid from the glass so that she wouldn't swallow the glass, and she drank the remaining glass.

She instantly felt a rush of power pain and heat circulate throughout her body. He body went through a series of burning heat that couldn't be suppressed by her own qi. Her body fell to the ground instantly from the burning heat from within and she desperately needed something extremely cold to counter the extreme heat that was coursing throughout her body.


Author Note: If you want to know the website I used for the teas I mentioned at the beginning of my chapters.

This is the website I use:


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