First meeting ツ

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Aera POV~

I chugged down the cold water while wiping away all of my sweat. I just finished practicing the choreography to no more dream. Why? Might you ask, well a few days ago Bang Pd called me into his office to talk about my training. I was worried that I would be kick out of the trainee program was I wrong.


I knocked on Bang Pd's door, once hearing a "come in" I entered making sure to close the door behind me. When I walked in, my eyes fell upon the 7 good looking men.
"Good morning Mr. Bang you asked to see me" I said while bowing
"Ah yes! Boys meet Kim Aera, she'll be debuting with you" Bang Pd said.

Once he said that my mouth fell open. It was my dream to become an idol, it was my mother's wish for me to an idol. My mother always told me to become an idol since I had great talent. And on her death bed she told me that she wished for me to become an idol, to show the world my great talent.

So hearing the news that I would debut...was like music to my ears. Joyful tears ran down my face, hands covering my mouth. I felt myself being pulled into a hug. I looked up with tears in my eyes to see bang pd hugging me.

"I know how much this means to you Aera. Your mother will be so proud to see you pursing your dream." He said smiling and hugging me tighter. The boys were confused since they never seen Mr. bang being that soft to someone especially a trainee. Once we broke the hug we seen 7 boys looking confused.

"Boys introduce yourselves!" Bang Pd says
"Hi I'm Kim namjoon, leader and main rapper of bts!" He said with a wide smile showing off his dimples.
"I'm Kim Seokjin, vocalist, visual, and oldest of the group" he said shaking your hand
"My names yoongi" He said coldly rolling his eyes
"IM YOUR HOPE, IM YOUR ANGEL, IM J-HOPE!!" He yelled pulling you into a hug
"Hello! I'm park jimin, main dancer, and lead vocalist of bts!"
"Hellooooo!!! My names Kim Taehyung!! I hope we will be the bestest of friends!!" He said pulling you into a tight hug
"H-hi I'm jeon jungkook" He stuttered while looking at the floor.
"Hi I'm Kim Aera" I said shyly

"So boys, Aera will be apart of the rap line, vocalist line, and dance line. Please welcome her and treat her with respect. She'll be moving into the dorms tomorrow morning." Bang Pd said to the boys before turning to you.
"Will you be willing to show the boys how you dance to no more dream?" Mr.Bang said to me.
"S-sure..." I said shyly

~ time skip to the practice room~

I danced my heart out while no more dream played on the speakers. Once the song came to an end, I heard clapping coming from behind me. I completely forgot that the boys were watching me perform the choreography.

"Wow Aera that was amazing!!" J- hope said with a smile on his face.
"Thank you" I said while bowing.
"I want you all to get to know each other better!" Mr. Bang exclaimed. Hearing what Mr. Bang had just announced everyone was excited...well all expect for one. Yoongi. He just scoffed and rolled his eyes. No one noticed except for me.

"I'll be back in two hours, while I'm gone I want you all to get to know each other! Goodbye boys and girl" He said while exiting the room.
"So Aera, why did you want to become an idol?" Seokjin asked.
"Well my whole life I dreamed to become an idol, but after I never had motivation..I was always being put down by my father. Him telling me I was never good enough, how I would never make it as an idol, how I was worthless. *tear falls down face* *takes a deep breathe before continuing* My mom is the reason why I fulfill my dream. My mother had cancer and she only had a few months to day she told me that I had great talent that needed to be shared with the world. Those were her last words to to make my mom proud of me...i started performing on busy streets. That's when a BIGHIT employee found me and told me to audition to become a trainee. And here I am now..." as I finished I felt tears falling down my face. Those of which I quickly wiped. I was engulfed into a tight hug by the Hyung line (all except yoongi).

~Aera thoughts~

-"yoongi doesn't seem to like me that much."
-"he's been cold to me ever since he found out I would be debuting with bts"
-"is this a bad idea..? Debuting with an all boy group?"

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