Saesang fan pt.2 ツ

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Will I be stuck with this rapist forever?


I felt so numb. This stranger had just taken away my innocences. I hope the boys find me~

Authors POV~

5,6,7- guys where's twilight? Namjoon asked

"She's not here?" Jungkook asked while looking around to see if he can spot the female member.

It's been 20 long minutes. The boys have been looking for her all around the concert Hall. Namjoon has been calling all the managers to try and find twilight. But no one knew where she was. She disappeared out of thin air.

"Hyung wait! Didn't we install a tracking app on her phone!?" Taehyung says to namjoon.

Since twilight is the only female member all the members decided to place a tracking app on her phone Incase she every gets lost or in this case, kidnapped. (They obviously had twilights permission)

They went onto the app and began tracking the female member. In a matter of minutes they got her location. They raced to the abandoned building (they had called the cops and both teams are on their way to the building).

Once they arrived all the boys and the police break down the doors and search for the kidnapper and twilight.

Once they broke down the locked door they gasped at the horrific sight.

Twilight with blood dripping down from her open wounds. Bruise from the man. Tears streaming down her face. Wearing nothing but a bra and underwear. Hands tied too tightly.

All the boys raced to her to untie her, but before they can reach her, the kidnapper appears.

"Get any closer and I'll kill her." He says while holding a knife to her throat.

"Please release the girl. She hasn't done anything to you." The head police officers states.

"She's mine now. I marked my territory. She's my property now." The delusional man says.

"Twilight, what did he do to you?" Jimin days while tears stream down his face.

"I pleasured her. Made her mine." The man tells jimin.

Twilight was obviously in pain. The man had gone too rough with her, and since it was her first time the pain was 10X more worst. Blood covered her lower area because of him.

The cops continued to try and save the girl. Trying to reason with the man. One cop distracted him, while the other slowly raised their gun and...BOOM. The man dropped to the ground. All the boys raced to Twilight to untie her now bruised and red wrist.

"Princess, are you okay?" Jin says while carrying her bridal style.

"J-jinnie it hurts..." twilight squeaked.

"We need to get her to a hospital" Hoseok says.

All the boys get into the car, Jin holding twilight on his lap while she's curled up into his chest silently sobbing.

Once they arrive at the hospital the doctors immediately take twilight and take care of her wounds.

2 hours later.

"Those here for Kim Y/N?" A male doctor asks

All the boy rise up and make their way towards the doctor.

"Ms. Kim had pretty severe injuries. She had lost a lot of blood. Her wounds were extremely deep. And her lower area walls were broken too roughly. But we managed to successfully take care of her. We would like her to stay overnight just to make sure her pain doesn't get any worse." The doctor informs.

"Thank you very much." Jimin says.

They all made their way to twilights room, where she was peacefully sleeping.

"We're so sorry we weren't there sooner Princess, but we promise this will never happen again." Namjoon says while holding her hand.

"We'll protect you, princess."

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