2: Suspicious

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Sometimes letting go leaves you with an opportunity to gain something better. 

"I'm home!" I call through the house as Claire comes running up to me. I give her a hug and close the front door, keeping the cold out. I lift her up in my arms and drop my bag on the couch. "How was your day at school today?" I ask her.

"It was fun! I got to go outside and play on the swings!"

"Really? That sounds fun! I'm jealous," I say as she tells me more about her day. Austin comes downstairs.

"Hey. Pizza's in the kitchen if you're hungry. How was work?" Claire gets up from my lap and I walk into the kitchen to get dinner.

"The same as it is every day," I say. "Anything new happen at your job?" I ask. I decide not to tell him about meeting One Direction, much less getting Niall's number. Austin's a bit overprotective. Who can blame him?

"Nope," he says. My phone lights up with a new message.

Nialler: Hey there :)

I smile and text back.

Me: Hey! Thought you weren't gonna text me...

I look up to see Austin staring at me. "What?" I ask self-conciously.

"Who was that? You're smiling like an idiot."

"That was...Rebecca." He gives me a suspicious look.

"Okay then. I'm going to bed. Goodnight sis," he says, giving me a hug and then taking Claire upstairs with him to tuck her in. I finish my slice of pizza.

Nialler: Why wouldn't I text you? If you're free tomorrow we should hang out.. xx

Me: Yeah I'm free. What time?

Nialler: Starbucks at noon sound good?

Me: Sounds great :) See you then! Gnite Nialler xx

Nialler: Gnite Alex :) can't wait to see you xx

I smile and lock my phone. I turn off all the lights on my way upstairs. I change into pajamas and plug my phone into my charger, then sit in bed and think about today. Niall clearly is flirting with me. I don't know if I'm ready for another boyfriend after what happened. I mean, it's been three years. I should move on. I can't move on. Jake died for me! He gave his life to protect me! I sigh and hug my stuffed pig tight.

Most kids get rid of their stuffed animals over time, selling them at garage sales and giving them to younger cousins or siblings, but I kept all mine. They remind me of when I was little and how much simpler life was. I keep them all lined up on my bed. A lot of them have stories behind them too. My stuffed pig, Pinky, was given to me by my dad when I turned 8. My stuffed purple frog, Momo, was given to me by Jake on Valentines day. Zingo my stuffed tiger Austin gave to me when I was sick with a cold. I had a little yellow duck named Mr. Ducky (I know, creative) that Claire gave to me for Christmas one year. I also had a little stuffed Crush the sea turtle from the movie Finding Nemo. Rebecca gave it to me as a Christmas present last year based off my favorite movie and my favorite animal. I had tons of stuffed toys, each of them with history behind how I got it. So I keep them all.

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