15: Living The Dream

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Don't talk, just act. Don't say, just show. Don't promise, just prove.

"I would like to sign you to a record deal."

I feel my heartbeat increase. This is my dream, what I've always wanted, and now here it is being handed to me on a silver platter. 

I manage to nod. 

"I definitely would love to be a part of your record label," I say, still hardly believing this is happening. He smiles. 

"Wonderful." We talk for a bit and sign some papers. "Now if it's okay with you I think it's a great idea to have you perform before the boys show each night. Like the opening act. It will familiarize their fans with you and your voice and make you better known right from the start. Since you don't have any official songs of your own yet you'll have to sing covers. We can go over which songs fit your voice best and things like that." I nod, unable to stop smiling. After working out a few details and such, Uncle Simon dismisses us. I take deep breaths as we exit the building. 

"Oh my god," I say this over and over again. "I'm...gonna be....a singer," I breathe out.

"Lexi is gonna be a star!" Claire shouts smiling happily. I pick her up and give her a kiss on the cheek before turning to the boys.

They're all smiling at me. I run up and wrap my arms around each of them. I wait to hug Niall last, running up full speed and burrowing my face in his neck with my arms wrapped around him tight as he spun me around just like you see in those stupid sappy romantic movies.

But there's nothing romantic between us.

"Thank you so much," I whisper to him. 

On our way to the hotel the smile didn't leave my face for a minute. Simon said I could perform at tonight’s concert in Philly. The boys still had some interviews and stuff in Jersey before we left for Philadelphia. I didn't want to wait that long. I wanted to go right now. 

When we get to the room Niall goes to talk to Zayn about something so he leaves the room. Searching up Austin's contact I press the green call button. After a few rings he answers. 


"Hey! You are not going to believe what happened to me today."

"What? You and Niall are getting married?" I blush. 

"No. Shut up." I hear him chuckle on the other end of the call. "Austin I got a record deal!" I hear silence. 

"I was meaning to ask you about that little performance the other night," he says.

"You saw that huh?" I giggle.

"Lex, it's all over the news. In case you didn't know. Which apparently you didn't. Yeah the gossip sites especially are freaking out because One Direction the world famous boy band brought out some random chick to sing at their show." I could imagine him rolling his eyes. I chuckle. "There's also some...other stuff on the news...about you."

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