12: What Did You Just Say?!

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I'll always defend the ones I love even though I'm as terrifying as a.....a baby penguin.

-Niall Horan<3

We went down to the hotel restaurant to eat. A ton of fans were already there waiting, as if they knew we would be there. They probably did. I don't know how some of their fans find out this stuff, but they do. Sometimes it's a bit creepy. I guess the boys are used to it. 

When we get our food a bunch of fans swarm us. I instinctively grab hold of Claire's hand. I'm a bit overprotective.

"Oh my gosh! You're One Direction! Can I get a picture?!" a girl asks, running up to the table we were seated at. I thought it was actually a bit rude to interrupt our meal like this. All we wanted was some lunch, not a meet and greet. The five of them all huddle around the girl for a photo. She glances at Niall with an unsure look in her eye. 

"Um...actually...I was kind of wondering if maybe it could just be the four of you in the picture?" she says, looking at Niall with an expression of disgust. Niall stares at the floor. 

"Sure," he mumbles before stepping away. 

"Niall's part of the band too..." Harry says. 

"Yeah, we can't leave him out," Zayn adds. 

"Well I don't want him in my picture. He's ugly," the girl says in response. 

"Stay here," I tell Claire as I get up from my seat. "What the hell?!" I ask the girl. I look at Niall standing off to the side. A tear rolls down his cheek, but he tries to hide it. "That was extremely rude! He's part of the band too! He deserves to be in the picture just as much as the other boys! You should apologize to him." 

"Do you think I care?" she snorts. "He's a horrible singer and he's not attractive at all! I don't want him to ruin this moment for me by invading my picture with One Direction. He doesn't even deserve to be in the band."

"It's not a picture with One Direction if Niall's not in it. He has just as much a right to be in the band as the others do," I say, glaring at her. I ball up my fists, so badly wanting to bitch slap her right now. 

"Just leave me alone. Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? If I want a picture without him then that's my choice. Go away."

"Niall is beautiful. If you're too fucking blind to see that then that's on you," I say, turning to walk away. I was fuming. It took every ounce of my self-constraint to keep from rearranging her entire face.

"Says the girl with the dead parents." I stop dead in my tracks. I turn on my heels and see her smirking at me. 

"What did you just say to me?" 

"You heard me bitch. They only talk to you because they feel bad for you. I bet you're happy your parents died or else you never would have gotten to meet them and live with them you gold digger. I do my research. I'm sure you're lying about the whole thing anyway." I jump at her. Two sets of strong arms hold me back. "And your 'little sister' is probably your own daughter. I bet you got knocked up at fourteen. I wouldn't be surprised."

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