28: Finally Forgotten

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Loving someone is not always about fairytales and fantasies, it's about truth and realities.

I walked down the long hallway with Claire's hand in mine. I had to grip it tightly so she wouldn't pull away and leave. It's something she might actually do, considering she hated the idea of going anywhere with me now. 

"Where are we going?" Claire complains as I pull her down the hall. Her frown doesn't falter. 

"It's a surprise," I say, smiling at her. She doesn't smile back. When I reach the door I was looking for, I take a deep breath. I put my hand on the doorknob and twist, pushing it open to reveal five familiar boys.

Claire squeals with excitement and the boys all smile wide. She runs up and gives each member of One Direction a huge hug. I smiled, happy to see her not frowning like she usually is now a days. 

Today was Saturday and I was here at management headquarters preparing to start song writing with the boys. It would be interesting to say the least. I didn't have the slightest clue of what the song would be about or how to even begin. It's the first time I've collaborated with anyone else before. How are we supposed to take six peoples’ thoughts and smush them into one song? 

I brought Claire along because her prissy attitude lately has been getting on my nerves and I knew the only way to make her happy was to let her see the boys again. There was nothing to hold me back now that everything is behind us. I've tried to discipline her for being disrespectful, I've tried giving her candy to brighten her mood, I've even tried buying her stupid toys to make her happy, but nothing worked. This was the only option left and apparently the only thing that would work. 

She clung to their legs as I grabbed a bottle of water before we began. "I hope it’s okay that I brought her. She really missed you guys and she won't be in the way," I say to them. They all shrug it off saying it's no problem.

After their little reunion I tell Claire to grab the toys she brought along and go play off to the side so we could get to work. She smiled and nodded, happily leaving. Wow, that was an easy fix. She's the same old Claire she used to be. Amazing. 

"So should we start?" Zayn asks, settling down on one of the many couches surrounding us. I nod and we start to write our song. 


When we finished writing the song I was satisfied. I thought it was pretty good. 

"Do we have to go?" Claire asks, giving me the puppy dog eyes. I sigh sadly and look down at her. 

"Sorry Claire Bear but we have to leave eventually. You can see the boys later, I promise." 

She sighs but eventually gives in. I go to hug each of them goodbye. 

"You were great by the way," Niall comments. 

"Thanks, so were you," I respond smiling.  

"Simon told us he would work out the recording schedule and let us know. We just have to get the song approved and we're all set to start recording," Liam informs us. 

"I really think this song is going to be good," Harry says grinning. I smile.

"Me too," I say. I take Claire's hand and say goodbye to everyone again before leaving the building and heading towards my car. When we get in I shut my eyes and take a deep breath. I lean my head on the steering wheel. 

"Lexi are you okay?" Claire asks, furrowing her eyebrows. I slowly remove my head from the wheel and nod. 

"I'm fine," I assure her. "For now," I mumble low enough so she wouldn't hear. 

Smile For Me || Niall Horanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें