seven - party

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On the way to the party, Louis just blasted the radio. The two boys sat together in comfortable silence. Harry had never felt so comfortable around someone -- especially not someone who had just watched him have a freakout over his messed up past. Everything felt different with Louis.

When they pulled into the driveway of the house party, though, he immediately felt uncomfortable. People were spilling out the front door of the house. Harry wasn't a huge fan of crowded rooms, but Louis shot him a concerned look and he pasted a smile on his face. He could do this.

Louis walked in front of Harry as they pushed their way through the house. Every so often, he looked back to make sure Harry was still right behind him. Finally, Harry spotted Niall's bright blonde hair.

"Lou, over here," Harry called out. Louis turned and followed Harry out toward the backyard where Niall and Liam were sitting in some folding chairs.

"Lads! I was starting to think you weren't going to make it," Niall exclaimed, jumping up to hug both of them. Harry jolted against Niall's touch but he didn't seem to notice. He hoped that Louis and Liam didn't notice either, especially after their talk in the bathroom earlier today.

The four of them hung out outside for a while, until Liam and Louis decided to go join some people dancing in the middle of the yard. Harry couldn't help but notice Louis's bum as he wiggled back and forth on the dance floor. He was a terrible dancer, but he looked absolutely adorable.

At one point, he caught Harry staring and raised his eyebrows questioningly. Harry blushed and dropped his gaze to his lap, but when he looked up again Louis's eyes were still on him. And Louis had a stupidly wide smile plastered on his face.

"Louis looks happier than usual," Niall observed.

"Mmhmm," Harry agreed, keeping his eyes on Louis as he danced. Louis was looking at Liam now, trying to get him to do some stupid dance move. Harry couldn't keep the smile from his face.

"You look happy, as well," he said. Suspicion crept into his voice, before he excitedly leaned toward Harry and whispered, "Do you like him?!"

"Niall!" Harry exclaimed, trying to seem shocked as heat rose to his cheeks. "No, I don't like him," he lied, but his cheeks were suddenly hot.

"You do!" he hissed gleefully. "You're completely red!"

"Niall," Harry whined, dropping his head back against the chair. "Please don't say anything, I know he's straight. My feelings will go away, I just don't want anything to change."

"Alright, alright. I won't say anything," Niall agreed, holding his hands up in surrender. He leaned closer to Harry once more, adding, "But I wouldn't be so sure that he's straight."

Harry's head snapped over to the blonde boy and he furrowed his brow in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"I said I wouldn't say anything," he shrugged innocently with a cocky smirk.

"You're an ass," Harry groaned, slumping down in his chair and bringing his attention back to the dance floor. He studied Louis as he danced confidently among the large group of people. A couple of girls were eying him, but he didn't seem to notice. For the first time, Harry wondered if he might really have a chance.

"That's it. I'm dancing with them," Niall suddenly announced. He got up from the chair and raised his eyebrows at Harry as an invitation. "You coming?"

Harry shook his head. "No, I think I'm gonna go find the bathroom," he replied, getting up as well. Niall shrugged and went to go join their friends. Harry headed in the opposite direction, back into the house to find the bathroom.

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