thirty three - a painful reunion

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For the rest of the week, Louis went through the motions of life with a heavy pit in his stomach. Every time he saw Harry, he almost told him the truth, but he couldn't bring himself to, once again, be the cause of that heartbreaking, empty look that overtook Harry's face when he was upset. This was the first time that he and Harry had been together happily, with nothing hanging over their heads, and he couldn't bear to be the one to ruin everything. Again.

On Friday night, Louis picked Harry up to drive him to Niall's house. Due to the everlasting Eleanor incident, this was his first time hanging out with their other friends in months, and he was honestly more nervous than he'd been in a long time. He had a lot to make up for, and he wasn't sure that they were going to forgive him as quickly and easily as Harry had.

That was another thing -- amidst all of his happy feelings about finally being with Harry, Louis felt terrible that Harry had taken him back. The tiniest part of him genuinely wanted Harry to tell him no; not because he didn't want to be with Harry, but because he wanted Harry to learn to value himself and stand up for himself. Harry deserved much more than Louis had given him thus far, and probably more than Louis could ever give him.

He pushed the thought to the back of his mind, mentally promising himself that he would never let anyone, including himself, make Harry feel like a second choice ever again.

"What are you thinking about, boo?" Harry asked, pulling Louis from the black hole of doubts that he was about to fall into.

He reached across the center console of the car and took Harry's hand in his, squeezing tightly. "Nothing important, love."

"Are you nervous?" Harry pressed, always the observant one. He kept his eyes trained on Louis's jawline, watching it tighten and relax over and over again. Harry wanted to memorize every movement Louis made so that he could decipher the true meaning of every single one.

"A bit," Louis admitted. "I'm not sure Liam and Niall will be as forgiving as you."

"They will be," Harry promised honestly. "I've already talked to them about it a bit, and I think they're ready to hear your perspective on things."

"I hope so," Louis replied as he turned into Niall's driveway. The giant house loomed menacingly in front of them, and as Harry climbed out of the car with a pep in his step, Louis hesitated a moment, reflecting on everything that had changed over the past year. They were so close to graduating, a time that seemed so far away just a few short months ago. At the beginning of the school year, if someone had asked Louis to describe where he'd be at this very moment, he would have painted a very different picture.

Harry was having a similar revelation, though his view on things was much more positive than Louis's. If someone had told him on his first day of his senior year that he would graduate high school with two best friends and a boyfriend he loved -- wait, Harry thought, did he love Louis?

That frightening yet exciting thought would have to wait, because at that very moment, Niall opened the front door of the mansion, smiling brightly at Harry before letting a frown settle on his lips as his gaze flicked back to Louis, who was just getting out of the car.

Harry waited for Louis to reach where he stood in the driveway. He caught himself before he laced Louis's fingers with his, remembering that they would have to act normal before they broke the news to their friends.

Although, as he remembered their behavior when they were "just friends," he wasn't sure that anything they'd ever done could pass as "normal."

The two boys walked up the driveway toward the door, which Niall was still holding open for them. When Louis was within whispering earshot, Harry leaned in a bit, saying under his breath, "Don't let Liam beat you up. Niall's gonna act mad, but he's all talk. Liam, on the other hand, is all walk."

Louis snorted, bumping Harry lightly with his hip as they headed into the house. Harry hid his grin by pulling Niall into a hug, which gave Niall the opportunity to glare at Louis over his shoulder.

Louis stood awkwardly beside Harry, wondering if he should hold out a hand to shake or just keep to himself. Luckily, Niall turned on his heels and lead them to the basement, with Harry making awkward small talk to fill the suffocating silence. Louis's heart swelled with pride as he watched Harry come out of his shell with his friends -- well, his old friends. Still, he was proud.

Liam was already sitting on one of the couches in the theater room, which Niall had turned to face each other, presumably to better facilitate conversation. Louis would bet all his money that was Liam's idea.

"Hey, Li," Harry said, leaning down and giving Liam a neck hug from behind. Liam patted Harry's arm, obviously feeling torn between giving Harry a well-deserved warm welcome and giving Louis the cold shoulder.

Harry moved to sit on the opposite couch, and Louis followed silently. Niall hopped over the back of Liam's couch to take his seat beside Liam. The four boys proceeded to stare at each other awkwardly, with Harry raising his eyebrows to suggest that someone start talking.

When no one did, he huffed, annoyed, and broke the silence himself. "So, Liam, Niall, this is my friend, Louis. I think you guys have met."

The silence continued for another split second, before Niall busted out laughing and Liam rolled his eyes, unable to contain his laughter either. Feeling slightly less tense after the boys' reactions, Louis grinned, shaking his head at Harry's terrible attempts to be funny.

As the laughter subsided a few seconds later, though, Louis could already tell that this was going to be a long, uncomfortable night.

When Liam broke the silence a moment later, Louis thanked God for his assertive friend. Liam had never been afraid to do or say anything. He quickly rescinded that sentiment.

"So, Louis, why don't you start by telling us about your girlfriend, Eleanor? The truth this time."

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