twenty six - let me help you

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The two boys stayed there together on the bathroom floor for what felt like hours, both lost in their own thoughts. Louis was running his fingers gently up and down Harry's arm, sending good shivers running across his skin. With his head tucked tightly under Louis's chin, Harry finally felt calm enough to think clearly. His mind wasn't racing for the first time in what seemed like weeks, and his thoughts had slowed down enough for him to really understand them.

Everything made more sense with Louis there.

Harry finally stirred in Louis's lap, and Louis lifted his head to look down at the younger boy. Harry's tear stained cheeks broke his heart, but in his mind, tears would always be better than blood. He shivered slightly at the memory, shaking the thought from his head.

"Want to talk about what happened?" Louis asked carefully, brushing Harry's curls gently from his forehead.

Harry shook his head, sniffling as he hid his face in Louis's chest. "Just wanna go to bed. Please."

"Alright, love," Louis agreed, secretly thankful as he wasn't sure he was ready to face the memory himself. "We can talk tomorrow. C'mon, let's go to bed."

"You don't have to stay," Harry said as Louis helped him up from the floor. As Louis turned to look at the younger boy, he realized that Harry looked smaller than he ever had: his shoulders were hunched over and he had his arms wrapped around his stomach, his mouth curled downward in a small pout.

"Baby," Louis said, wrapping his fingers around Harry's hand as he pulled him toward his bedroom. "I promised you earlier, and I'll keep telling you for as long as I need to: I am not leaving you. Not ever, alright?"

They had reached Harry's bedroom by now, and Louis immediately jumped onto the bed. As he tried to pull Harry in with him, though, the curly haired boy stopped suddenly, yanking his hand out of Louis's grasp.

"You weren't here," Harry practically whispered, his voice quiet and low in his throat.

"Hmm?" Louis asked, sitting up on the bed and peering at Harry through the darkness. "What did you say?"

"You weren't here," Harry said, louder this time. "You promised you'd never leave me, but you left me for her. And I was so alone, Louis, I didn't even know what to do with myself. I was so hurt and I trusted you to stay but you didn't."

"Harry --"

"No, Lou. You left me. You forgot about me."

Louis reached up carefully, taking Harry's hand once again. "Haz, I know I fucked up. I've made so many mistakes already, and I'll probably keep making them. But I could never forget about you -- even if I'm not with you, even if we aren't talking, you're always on my mind. Always in my heart."

Harry let Louis slowly pull him onto the bed, relaxing and sighing contently as the older boy wrapped him in blankets and his arms. Louis tangled one of his hands in Harry's hair, rubbing his head soothingly. 

"I'm still kind of mad at you. Sorry," Harry admitted as he buried his face in Louis's chest.

"That's okay. You have every right to be. I'm just glad you forgave me enough to let me be here for you tonight," Louis replied, dropping a kiss to the top of Harry's head and squeezing his arm lightly. 

"I don't want to talk about it now. We can talk a lot tomorrow," Harry murmured sleepily.

"Sounds good to me."

The boys lay in silence for a while, but right as Louis thought that Harry had fallen asleep, the curly haired boy spoke, his voice muffled slightly by Louis's shirt.

"Can you say it again?"

"Say what?"

"What you said earlier. About how you could never forget about me."

Louis rolled his eyes fondly, tightening his arms around Harry's body.

"Always in my heart, Harry Styles. And my heart will always be yours."

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