twenty five - the call

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Louis was trying to get his mind off of everything that had happened with Harry. He had rejoined the party, but he couldn't bring himself to really get into it. He'd met up with Liam and some girl, but they had left him to join the crowd of people dancing in the middle of the room, so he was sitting alone on the sidelines, unable to get Harry off of his mind.

Since he couldn't keep the curly-haired boy off his mind, naturally, when his phone lit up with Harry's name, he answered immediately. No hesitation.

"Hello?" Louis said, putting his free hand over his other ear to block out the loud music. His chest swelled nervously, wondering if he should have answered or not. He wasn't sure that he was ready to talk to Harry, or that Harry was ready to talk to him.

As soon as he heard Harry's scared voice come through the phone, though, he didn't even want to imagine what would have happened if he hadn't answered.

"Lou, I-I'm so sorry, I just didn't know what else to do," Harry stammered, voice cracking at the end of his shaky statement. "I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry."

"Wait, Harry, slow down. What's wrong?" Louis asked immediately, getting up from where he was sitting and making his way to the stairs where he knew it would be a bit quieter. "Harry?"

"I just -- I shouldn't have done it, Lou, but I just didn't know what else to do," Harry repeated frantically. "I was just so upset and I was so angry -- no, no, I'm not angry at you, I'm just so sad and I felt so helpless, and I was feeling so many things but at the same time, I couldn't feel anything so I wanted to feel something, and I thought --"

"Harry," Louis interrupted, heart dropping into his stomach as his mind raced a million miles an hour. "Harry, love, what did you do?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you..." Harry started to ramble again.

Louis quickly cut him off, gripping the stair railing as he mentally prayed that his premonitions were wrong. "No, Harry, tell me what's wrong."

Harry sobbed loudly into the phone. Louis's heart clenched at the sound. He felt sick with worry.

"I'm sorry, Lou, I promise I didn't mean to," Harry cried, sniffling loudly. "There's just so much blood and I didn't think there would be this much and it hurts --"

Louis was out the door in seconds, practically sprinting across the wet grass to his car. "Okay, love, it's okay," he assured Harry through the phone, dropping himself into the driver's seat and slamming the door quickly. He cursed quietly as he fumbled with his keys, trying desperately to get them into the ignition. "I'm coming, alright? Just don't move, I'm coming."

"You don't have to come," Harry said quickly, sniffling again. Louis could hear Harry doing something on the other end, moving around as he added, "I'm fine, Lou, really, just stay at the party. I don't want to ruin your night -- I didn't mean to ruin everything, I --"

Louis could hear a loud clattering sound as Harry dropped something on the ground.

"Harry," Louis cut off the boy's rambling. "I said do not move. I want you to sit down, stay still, and wait for me to get there," Louis ordered, holding the phone between his cheek and his shoulder as he drove over the speed limit to get to Harry's house as fast as possible. He prayed that he wouldn't be too late.

There was a pause, as Harry stayed silent on the other end of the phone, before replying quietly, "Okay, Lou."

Louis breathed a sigh of relief at the words, heart still racing as he turned into Harry's neighborhood. Only a few more streets and he would be there.

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