{ 1 | Colton }

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Being moved out of your house and on your own is exhilarating. You can do whatever you want and whenever you want. There's no adult telling you what to do. The added cherry on top was that I had everything i'd ever need.

I was lucky to come from the wealthiest family in Texas. Whatever I wanted, I got. There was never any room for discussion. My parents just wanted me to be happy. I was also lucky to get my mother's brain. She was a highly known business woman, running our family company. She was the CEO while dad was off being himself. My dad is one of the best soccer players in the world. He's hardly at home, but I am lucky to have been blessed with the same ability as him.

That being said, I'm the new recruit at Stanford University. I've been given the chance to follow in my dad's footsteps. He was more than happy for me. He was extremely proud. He was somewhat disappointed I didn't stay home with my mom, but still happy that I was living my dream.

I chose Stanford because it was one of the best soccer schools in the nation. I was offered a spot on Duke's team, but I decided I rather live in California than New York. Plus, I rather be away from my mother's empire. She has one of her main offices there, so I am pretty used to the business of the city that never sleeps. It's great, but definitely not where I want to live.

University life was everything i'd ever dreamed. I was three months in and soccer season was beginning. My blood was pumping as I kicked the ball down the field. We were scrimmaging each other and I was determined to score a goal before time ran out. I dodged one of my teammates before shooting. The whoosh of the ball hit the net as the goalie landed on his side, missing the shot.

"Damn Ashwood. You got some moves." It was the team captain Justin Kershaw, son of Clayton Kershaw, the pitcher of the Los Angeles Dodgers. Justin was the best on the team and I was determined to be even better. After all, I have to live up to my father's legacy. He is Clint Ashwood, star forward for the US National Soccer Team.

"Too bad you won't be here long enough to watch me steal your spot." I smirked. I jogged off the field as the buzzer went off. The rest of the guys on the team did the same. I reached the bench, letting my body drop. I reached for my water bottle, spraying some into my mouth. This water tasted fantastic.

"Don't worry Colt, you will surely be captain once i'm gone." Justin said with a tinge of sarcasm. I laughed. Justin had taken me under his wing the first day. He was like the older brother and best friend I didn't have. "So, what are your plans for tonight?"

"Some guy from the football team is throwing a party. You down?" I asked. I slipped off my shin guards and threw them into my bag. Practice was over for the day. Thankfully, the sun was still out. Coach must be in a good mood.

"Nah man. I have an exam in the morning. We do have midday practice, so maybe you should stay in." Justin offered. I scoffed.

"Do you really think i'd miss a frat party? To do homework?" I said in disbelief. I took off my cleats, pulling on my running shoes. I threw those into my bag too. I stood up and strung it over my shoulder. "I promise I won't do anything you wouldn't."

"That doesn't reassure me Ashwood." Justin said with narrowed eyes. I rolled my own. He was such a drama queen. He needs to learn to live a little.

"Chill Kershaw. I'll see you tomorrow." I said. I turned around and walked off the field. There were girls gathered around the sidelines. They twirled their hair and giggled as I walked by. I smirked. I was used to this. Coming from a rather wealthy and highly known family had its perks. I got to choose whoever I wanted and they fell to my feet, begging for attention. It was great.

"Hey Colton." I heard a sweet voice say. I turned and saw my usual girl, Reagan Montgomery. She was your typical Californian girl with bleach blonde hair and tanned skin.

"Hey Reagan. You going to that party tonight?" I asked her. I stood in front of her, eyeing her. She was in short shorts and a crop top, showing off her toned stomach. She was on the cheer team here at Stanford and happened to be the daughter of Vanessa Montgomery, the current senator of California.

"Only if you'll be there." She said, sliding a hand up my arm. I smirked. This girl was always putty in my hands.

"I'll see you tonight." I said. I bent down and gave her a kiss on the lips. She sighed in content as I walked away. I chuckled. She thought I loved her, but the joke was on her. I, Colton Ashwood, will never fall in love. The only thing i'll ever love is soccer.


Sliding on my pants, I groaned. The room began to spin. Maybe I shouldn't have drank so much last night. I turned and looked at my alarm clock. It was half past eight. The gym would be full, leaving me no room to workout. I slipped on a soccer shirt and ran my hand through my brown hair. I hobbled towards the connecting bathroom and turned the light on. I grimaced at the brightness as I reached for my toothbrush.

After cleaning myself up, I grabbed my soccer bag and left my dorm room. I was lucky to have gotten a room to myself as a freshmen. Most incoming students had to suffer through sharing a room and bathroom. I think the Dean was more than flexible when he heard how much I was willing to pay for my own room.

Stepping into my lobby, I felt the eyes of someone. I turned and saw an unfamiliar girl with a disgusted look on her face. I narrowed my eyes at her. Her eyes widened before she looked back down at her book. I walked over to her. What was her problem?

"Can I help you?" I asked her in an irritated tone. She looked up. She rolled her eyes at me. "Do you have something to say?"

She got up and took her book towards the elevator. I took the time to asses her features. She had curves in all the right places and long brown hair. She had bright blue eyes that matched the sea. She was hot. She pressed the button on the elevator as I admired her ass. The elevator doors then opened, bringing me out of my staring.

"You smelt like booze." She said as she stepped into the elevator. I glared at her. The doors began to shut as she continued to look at me in disgust. "Oh, and that hickey on your neck is not attractive."

The doors shut, leaving me without words. I had never met a girl like her. Usually, they were throwing themselves at me. No one had ever been as hostile as her. I scoffed at that thought. Who did she think she is to be acting like that towards me? What a bitch.

I erased the thoughts of the girl and focused on my goal. I needed to work this hangover away or Justin was going to kill me. I probably should not have drank so much. I hoisted my bag up and walked out of the building, forgetting that girl even existed.

So, what did you think of chapter one?
This story is going to alternate between the two main characters. Each chapter is also going to be between 1K and 2.5K words. So, they'll be shorter than my other stories. It's mostly so I have time to write this upcoming semester and still provide you guys with a great story.
Thank you for choosing to read my stories again!!!

{New Update: Christmas Morning}

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