{ 10 | Faith }

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Throwing myself into my studies seemed to be my defense mechanism. I was currently in the library, avoiding the gaze of my best friend. She had been hounding me for details about my night with Colton. I wanted to tell her everything but I knew she wouldn't understand. She hated him from the start. What would change now?

"Faith!" She said in a loud whisper. People around us glared at my blond best friend. I frowned. I did not feel like getting kicked out of the library today. I took out one of my earbuds from my ear and looked at her. She was smiling sheepishly. I sighed. Was she not gonna leave me alone?

"We're in the library." I whispered. I put my earbud back in my ear and stared at my computer screen. I was currently working on my psychology paper. All freshmen are required to take the introduction class even if they aren't majoring in it. I think it's just a way for the university to gain more money off of its students.

I began typing my second body paragraph when I felt a presence come up next to me. I froze, afraid of who it was. I was hoping it wasn't Colton. I was definitely not ready to face him. We were both really drunk by the time the party ended and the night ended in a way I never thought it would. We just swam and enjoyed each other's company. That was nice and I would totally do it again, but the weird part was the goodbye.

We got off the elevator, laughing. I couldn't even remember what about. We were just having fun and being reckless. It was something I had never done before and I was loving every second of it. We neared my dorm. I felt a wave of sadness take over. It was rather late but I didn't want the night to end.

"Thank you." I said to him. He smiled. His blue eyes shining bright as he stared down at me. His gaze kept flickering from my eyes to my lips.

"I had a lot of fun Faith." He said in a low voice. I bit my lip, nodding. I had fun too. I didn't think i'd ever enjoy a party, but Colton showed me how. I was finally learning how to live like a normal college student.

"This meant a lot to me." I said in a low voice, feeling my cheeks blush. Colton's stare was beginning to make my heart beat race. The blue in his iris swirled with happiness.

"Me too." He said. He began to lean in, making me panic. I wasn't ready to kiss Colton. I wanted to, but we were just getting to know each other. Plus, I wasn't ready to be in another relationship. Did I even want to be in a relationship with him? Did he want a relationship?

"I'll see you soon?" I offered, making him step back. His eyes showed disappointment, making my stomach queasy. I felt bad for the small act, but I needed to figure out the answers to my questions before I jump into something i'm not ready for.

"Yeah." He mumbled. I bit my lip. I leaned in and kissed his cheek. I felt a slight stubble before leaning back. He stared at me stunned. My lips tingled as I smiled.

"Goodnight Colton." I said softly. I turned around and walked into my dorm. As I shut the door, my lips continued to tingle. I didn't know what came over me. But, I did hope this friendship wouldn't end.

"Hey Faith." I heard the presence say. I looked up from my work and saw Wes. I let out a breath of relief. Even though I liked Colton, I needed some space from him. I needed to figure out my life.

"Oh hey." I said in a low voice. I didn't want to disturb anyone. I looked away and saw Aly giving me a curious glance. At least she had stopped bothering me about Colton. I'm sure she's going to wonder who Wes is.

"Haven't seen you since Friday. How are you?" He asked. I shrugged. People were glaring at our table again. I sighed. I saved my work and shut my laptop off. I grabbed my phone and got up.

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