{ 5 | Colton }

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The sun was beating down on my skin, burning. I should have put on sunscreen. I got ready and heard the whistle blow again. I pushed off the ground and ran to the other end of the field. I pushed my limbs to make it to the end. We were doing suicides and had been for twenty minutes. Coach was furious about something. We just had no clue what.

The whistle blew for the last time and the entire team dropped down to the floor. I panted, trying to regain normal breathing. I closed my eyes and focus on the sun. It was only adding to the heat I was feeling from today. I really hoped I only tanned and didn't burn.

"Get up and get some water. We're done for today." Coach barked. We all quickly did as we were told, jogging off the field. My legs ached, wanting to collapse beneath me, but I managed to get to my stuff. I searched for my Gatorade and downed it. I was dehydrated and this practice did not help my current situation. I gulped the last bit and turned towards Justin.

"What the hell happened to make coach so angry?" I asked him. Justin shrugged. He, too, was struggling to breathe. I thought we were in shape, guess not.

"Dude, drink your damn water." Justin said through pants. I raised and eyebrow. What was his problem? I ignored him and looked through my bad for another bottle.

"He knows." I heard a whisper. I turned and saw Wes. He was looking at me with worry as he drank from his own bottle of water. I ignored him and drank what was left of one that I found. There was no way Justin knew. It had only been twenty four hours since my encounter with his cousin and her best friend. There was no way they had already told him.

Upon thinking of them, thoughts of Faith flooded my brain. Her sassiness and bluntness was something new and it seemed to intrigue me. Her laugh was a melody I could listen to forever. Don't even get me started on her - what the fuck am I thinking? Faith is just some girl who didn't fall for me at once. But she will. Even if she's off limits, I am going to make her fall for me.

"Colton!" I turned and saw Justin with narrowed eyes. I was now starting to panic. He knew and that bitch Alyson told him.

"Justin." I stated. I avoided all emotion. If he doesn't see me panic, I have nothing to worry about.

"We are grabbing lunch with my cousin." Justin said calmly. I nodded. This was not good. She hated me from the start and after yesterday, i'm sure she loathed me.

"Why?" I asked. Justin drank the rest of his water and turned towards me.

"I changed my mind. You can talk to them." Justin said. I turned to Wes. He shrugged, confused as I was. What the hell happened for him to change his mind so quickly?

"Is there a catch or something? I thought I wasn't allowed near her?" I asked for clarification. I found a towel in my bad and wiped my body. I was soaking in sweat.

"I guess I just want my best friend and cousin to get along, but you mess with her or her best friend, and you are dead." He said, threatening. I nodded. I felt a smile slide on to my face. "Oh, and I know about your little meeting with Al yesterday."

"Dead." Wes stated. I narrowed my eyes at him. He smirked before walking off the field. The rest of the guys were doing the same. It was just Justin and I left. That's how it usually was anyway.

"As I said before, I do not approve of you dating my cousin or her best friend." Justin said throwing all his things into his bag. "I know how your "dating" works and that's not something I approve of. Now, go and shower. We're having lunch at 3. The girls get out of class at 2:30."

"Where are we meeting?" I asked, pulling a shirt on. I grabbed my own things and followed Justin towards the dorms.

"The cafe. Now go get ready." Justin answered. I nodded, going in opposite directions of him. I smiled, thinking about Faith. Justin had just given me permission to befriend Faith. He said I couldn't date her but he never said anything about her falling for me.

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