The Revelation

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Her eyes opened once again, confusing her to the deepest core of her being.

Wasn't she dead?

She remembers holding her-


That happened.

That...happened? wasn't some horrific nightmare?

Ah. It couldn't be. Something that horrendous could be all but a bad dream.

She felt the corners of her eyes moisten before a tear ran down the side of her face.

Her arms felt empty without them.

Her soul felt empty without her siblings in her arms. In her sight. In her mind.

God no.

Why keep her 'alive' after all that?

Was she even 'alive'?

Where was she?


That doesn't matter.

Because for now, she will mourn.

Mourn because she couldn't do so before.

It all had happened too fast.

One moment, playing tea party with her sister and then-

She felt her throat tighten as white hot anger rose in her heart.

No. It will do no good to her if she thought about this.

It will do no good.

She did the only thing she could do and mourned for her siblings.

For minutes.

For hours.

Maybe even days.

Her regret of not being able to protect them had kept the deep scaring memory fresh in her already tattered mind. So had her hatred which was as deep and dense as smoke.

She didn't faint.

She stayed awake.

She didn't know where she was.

She hadn't bothered with looking around.

As for her, it was all black and will always be.

Till she was swept away by death again from wherever she was.

Or something else happened.

Because they weren't here and it was all her fault.

She couldn't protect them.

After a long, long time, something happened.

She had felt someone wrap their arms around her in her crouched, frail, curled position.

The arms had felt like silk; right there yet not there at the same time.

Her hand had rose and lightly put itself on one shoulder, her touch as light and weak as a feather.

And then she felt two more pairs of arms wrap around herself.

Before she could look up, she had felt some air brush against her ears.

And then three voices at the same moment, mumbled, "You did well, sister. But why would you not move on? Your sadness is getting in the way...and so is your anger. Won't you let it go like you always have? Like you have always, always, released it as easily as releasing another breath.

If this goes on, you'll become something really, really bad. And make those you thirst blood of, miserable. We don't want that for you, for you will only be miserable as well.

But It's fine. For we have prayed for one more chance to be given to you. So your soul can be calm. So you can let go of the horrendous regret. Sister, it saddens us that we can not be with you any longer. It was always written.

So sister, play with them the way you played with us. Keep them safe and sound the way you did for us."

Shushing her as she tried to voice her protest, already knowing who these voices and arms belonged to and tried to say that no. You're wrong. I couldn't keep you safe-

They cut her off.

"Hey sister, it was never about keeping safe physically.

We have to let you go now. Sister, really hurts us to say this but forget us. But don't forget the memories. We wish you...the happiest of moments. Stay strong, sister."

And as the arms let go, she looked up to maybe catch a glimpse of them as a last goodbye.

But they were gone.

And suddenly a bright light shone in her eyes, making her shut them tightly as a piercing pain ran through her head.

Then began the visions like the flickering of a light.

A girl with Ginger-brown hair, indigo eyes and a haughty demeanor.

A boy exactly like the girl but with more Ginger like hair and white, pupil-less eyes along with a shivering stature.

Then a girl with hair of a light shade of bottle green and big, blue eyes. A small smile on her lips.

A boy with magenta hair and golden eyes. A proud yet lonely silhouette.

A boy with crimson hair and light wine pink eyes. A mischievous yet fragile body profile.

A boy with wise peach colored eyes and grey-blue hair. A straight back along with a strained smile.

A boy with dull hot pink eyes and apple green hair. Like a bitter-sweet comparison. His shoulders slouched and a cheek splitting grin.

And an otome game.


Chapter three; complete.

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