chapter 8 the cabin and the money

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Jeff p.o.v
I was walking around the woods when I came across a cabin. I walked up to the cabin and opened the door "looks like someone lives here" I walked around. I saw a bed in the corner neatly made "I wonder how long the person lived here for" I  keeped looking around i saw a dresser that looked old unlike the bed "strange" I shrugged. I saw something on the ground, I picked it up and looked at it "a wallet?" I looked in side "nothing" I searched inside my pocket. I felt a something and pulled it out "a fifty" I put it in the wallet and placed it on the bed "that should be enough for food and water" I walked out of the cabin "is this want people feel like when they do something nice?" I started walking back to the mansion

Lius p.o.v
I started walking back to the cabin with my new friend I named him mr.fluffers!. I walked back into the cabin to find my wallet on the bed though I remember it being on the floor I shrugged and looked inside "a fifty? Who was in here?" I asked myself I shrugged again and put the wallet in my pocket "I'm heading to the mall to get some things I need you to stay put you can hop around the cabin just dont leave" mr.fluffers hoped off the bed an started hopping around. I walked to the cabin door and walked out closing it behind me. I started walking to the mall "I'm grateful for who ever found the cabin, I need to try to thank them if I can find them" I smiled and continued walking.

(Sorry this chapters short, I'm trying my best to get chapters out but I have a little writers block but I will keep trying I promise!)

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