Chapter 4: 'Yes, I am single'

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This routine continued on for the next few days, with Heather waking up every morning at seven and fixing breakfast, she would then spend most of the rest of the morning reading the Narnia Chronicles to the doll, before she would break for lunch, and clean the traps. Though there hadn't been much to clean, the traps hadn't seemed to be catching anything the whole week.

Heather would then turn on some music for Brahms while she went to check the mail and did some light house work.

That would last a couple of hours, until it was time for dinner, and after dinner Heather would get the doll ready for bed and read one more chapter in the book before kissing the doll goodnight and going to bed herself.

On the fifth day of her stay, Heather had left the doll inside listening to some music while she went to check the mail. She reached the end of the driveway, grabbed the mail from the box and moved to head back inside only to stop short at the sight of a car pulling up to the gate. Window rolled down and inside the car sat Malcolm.

He smiled brightly at the young woman, "Need a lift?"

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He smiled brightly at the young woman, "Need a lift?"

Heather grinned, and opened the gate for him to enter before climbing into his car, "If it's not too much trouble."

He scoffed playfully, "For a pretty lady such as yourself, nothing is too much trouble."

She laughed, "You smooth talker."

The reached the house and Heather helped Malcolm carry the groceries he brought inside before going into the study to grab the doll and turn the music off, "Sorry to disturb your music lesson, Brahmsy, but we have a guest." She informed the doll as she made her way back to the kitchen and placed the doll in one of the chairs, and then she proceeded to help Malcolm.

At the moment she was helping him empty the freezer from all the leftovers, "So, if all this food is going to get thrown away, why do they want it frozen?"

Malcolm shook his head as he held the garbage bag open, "Not all of it goes to waste, Mr. Heelshire eats some of it. He's always been the less strict one about all of this." he said motioning to the doll.

Heather nodded, "speaking of..." she started, "You could have warned me, you know. Instead of letting me go in there unprepared."

Malcolm smirked, "What? And ruined the surprise?"

Heather laughed and gave the man a light shove, "Yeah thanks for that, great surprise."

"Oh," Malcolm started and he reached into his pocket, "speaking of surprises, here's your first weeks pay." He handed her a envelop with some money in it.

Heather smiled and took it from him, "Thank you, but I have to ask..." she trailed off nervously.

Malcolm nodded his head seriously, "Yes, I am single. Shocker, I know."

She grinned brightly and laughed, "That's good to know, but I was actually wondering, what's the story with..." she trailed off again and motioned towards the Brahms doll.

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