Chapter 25

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"Did you like my gift?" Ida smiled. She was beautiful, ethereal. Light golden hair and eyes the shade of lilac that appeared only on the most delicate of seashells.

Wait. Her eyes glowed gold.

Cybelline recalled earlier that night when a woman with glowing eyes had called out Lord Killian's hiding spot.

Killian's eyes flickered with recognition, and almost immediately, disinterest. "No."

Ida almost lost her power and fell into the lake. She pointed her sword at them, "You..." She took a deep breath, "Fine. Aunt told me that it's not ladylike to strip men of their clothes and throw them into the pond. So I won't do it to you." She grinned, "After all, I got all the revenge I needed. 

"And it was even more fun watching you run away from what you've feared more than death." She continued, "Women." 

PFFFFFTTTT, Cybelline clapped a hand over her mouth as she tried to laugh quietly. Killian, to her suprise, did not seem to care what Ida said. His eyes slid to the castle began to row again.

Lady Ida looked to Cybelline with a smile "You are?"

Cybelline bobbed, "My lady. I'm a page of the palace, sent to serve Lord Killian today. I'm from the country."

She smiled at Cybelline, "Don't be offended by that block of ice. He's been like that since we were children."

"Are you trying to marry him, my lady?" Cybelline asked, hopeful.

Ida laughed, "Him? Gods no. Who wants to marry a thing like that?" She floated alongside as Cybelline rowed across the river, "My aunt would love to see a marriage between us, thank the gods he refused." She looked at Killian who was now getting off the boat, "He's never been interested in anyone." 

She sighed, "Maybe I was wrong to do it, but I just wanted a little excitement in my life. It' s so boring in the palace." 

Cybelline tried not to fantasize kicking this girl into the water. Because of Ida's meddling, she was now stuck to a lord who she could not get rid of.

Ida did not notice Cybelline's dark expression, instead she continued to float as Cybelline rowed, telling her this and that. Cybelline rowed as fast as she could, but Ida didn't even seem to notice the speed change. Cybelline sighed, magic was indeed useful. 

"What took you so long?" Killian asked, his eyes not leaving Cybelline's face, "Let's go." He grabbed at her wrist.

Cybelline took a step back and avoided his hand, "I can walk myself, my lord." Killian frowned, displeased. He turned and walked quickly towards the three tall towers that made up of the mages' wing.

Lady Ida looked between Killian and Cybelline and then back again, suddenly her eyes lit up. "He likes you."

Cybelline blinked rapidly, "Lady?" 

 Ida smiled, "Lord Killian doesn't like to be touched, not even by his own people. I heard he even refuses to have palace maids dress him. But he's treating you like a friend."

Cybelline trotted behind her irritated general, "I think it's because he needs my help."

"How are you going to help me when you're behind me? Come here." His cool voice sounded in front of them. Cybelline smiled apologetically and bowed to Lady Ida. She ran to catch up to Killian

Ida watched, open mouthed. True, it was in his usual, curt fashion, but it was not once, but twice Killian had actively asked the same person to join him.

Most people felt honored if he even glanced at them. Who was this page? Curiosity got the better of her, and Ida, who had only came to gloat and leave afterwards, decided to stay and see what happened.

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