Epilogue - Miri - Part 1 of 3

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Yumino was known for the pretty glass bells that hung during the night of the summer solstice. It was traditional for men and women to give their intended a tiny glass bell as a symbol of their love during the celebration.

The immortal king arrived in the city quietly, hidden from the mortal eye by magic. He walked through the noisy streets, hardly noticing the wave of humanity. To him, they were like rushes of wind, here one moment, gone the next.

In front of him, two well-dress older women waddled by, gossiping about the latest going-ons of the city.

"... I heard that Miri Aster is getting married to a mere school teacher."

The other woman humphed, "But she could do so much better. With a face like that she could bring any man to his knees."

"Well, she nearly became the old king's third wife. But her father refused."

"He did what? How could a mere minister disobey his king?" 

"The kind that would come back to this town and become a school headmaster."

"Then what happened?"

"A few days after edict had been issued, the old king died!"

"She could have become a queen. A woman among women. What a pity."

"I don't know what that old frog was thinking."

The immortal smiled slightly and walked towards the residential area of the city. 

The home of a retired high ranking minister usually was beautiful and lavish, displaying the richness and decadence of those who spent their lives in public service. 

Instead, Lord Luther's home was nestled in a tiny alley behind a school. No one would have guessed that one of the greatest scholars of the kingdom lived in such a plain little home.

The immortal walked to the small door and knocked, shedding the magic to reveal a tall figure in a black cloak, his face hidden under a hood.

A middle aged servant, dressed in clean and neat robes walked over and bowed respectfully, "Young sir, my master was not expecting anyone today. Please give me your name and let me know if you have any urgent business with my master." He was respectful but not sniveling, clearly a servant who has seen the great and powerful and could hold his own. 

The young man in black nodded, "I see you have aged well into your role here." 

The servant felt his knees go weak. To him, the stranger was an immortal, he wiped tears away from his eyes. "My lord, I will inform my master of your presence." And rushed back inside.

A few moments later, another man dressed in the light grey robes of a teacher walked out, followed by his servant. He was a tall, reed-thin man, with twinkling kind eyes and a grey peppery beard. 

He respectfully bowed to the immortal, "My lord, it has been too long." 

The immortal was led into the main sitting room, there were two chairs placed against the back wall, with a beautifully carved cherry wood table. Above the seats, a painting of the Goddess hung on the wall.

The older man politely gestured to the seat to the right and he sat to the left. The immortal came over and poured both his masters two mugs of ale. 

The young man threw back his cloak and took the proffered drink.

Both the old scholar and servant were stunned. Underneath the cloak was the face of man who had not aged a day since they last saw him. He was still twenty-five. Fine grey eyes flashed above a straight and strong nose.

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