Chapter 33

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High on a grand ash tree, a  tiny shadow sat on a thick branch and hummed to herself. Looking down at the main gates of the palace, she took a tiny box out of her pouch and scooped out some white ointment. Carefully she spread it over her rope burns, disregarding the pain as she studied the scene below. 

Sixteen guards in red and silver now inspected everyone who passed. Closing her eyes, Cybelline sighed and leaned back onto the tree, "I guess I can wait a little longer." 

Dusk had turned into night and as midnight approached, the women of the palace became more and more desperate to find their prey. Cybelline awakened to hear the sounds of running feet and the voices of women urging their companions to run faster. Cybelline's eyes popped opened and she swung down from her tree, heading to the little fountain in the middle of the court yard. 

Reaching into her pouch, she pulled out a little blue glass bottle. Scooping up handfuls of water and mixing it with the contents of the bottle, she scrubbed her face and hair vigorously.

The rough dark skin became much paler in the moonlight. Brown hair that was the color of mud now became jet black. Cybelline carefully peeled off the remnants of tape from her eyelids and chin. Sharp, angular features became softer as her face returned to its original form.

Finally, she took a little vial from her pouch and carefully dripped a few drops of a solution Solara had made. She waited until they stopped stinging and opened them. 

Grey eyes had turned green, the shade of grass in spring. 

If they saw the little page now, they would've had a hard time recognizing him, for everything had changed.  She tousled her hair, bent down, and collected a few small rocks.

Climbing back on the tree, she waited. She watched as a few women ran by and shook her head, too thin, to big, too short. But then, her now green eyes brightened.

Two girls giggled as they approached the little well.

"Where is Lord Killian? It's almost midnight!" One girl said as she fanned herself, her green dress fanned out as she sat on a small bench, "If only I could see his face once more." 

The other girl, obviously her servant, fetched a little silver ladle from her pouch and began to pour her lady some water from the fountain, "My lady, have patience, we'll find him." 

Cybelline rolled her eyes, were all other men in the world dead for everyone to talk about that jerk like he was some kind of divine gift.

"Even if I have to tear apart all the other women who stand in my way, I will get to him." The girl declared with a smile, "Only the best in the world for me. He is my type, those lips, that hair, those strange but beautiful eye---"

THUNK...THUNK. Two pebbles flew out in the darkness like bullets and struck both women on the head, causing them to black out almost immediately.

 Cybelline jumped down from the tree and walked over to the women.

Lady Lettie's red wig now lay on the grass, its heavy bangs and thick strawberry curls gave her an idea.

With a evil grin, she took the wig and began to yank the clothes of the lady.

A few minutes later, Cybelline checked her reflection in the fountain.

Gone was the black haired girl with the storm grey eyes, in her stead stood a slender green-eyed girl in a green gown, her flaming red hair curling around her little figure. She had transformed into a proper little lady.

Cybelline raised her skirts to reveal crystal shoes and clucked. Precious stones lined the hand-embroidered shoes. Diamonds stitched into the silver made the entire creation exquisite. Yes, she need to make sure to keep these with her, they would sell well on the market. She couldn't help but smile, thinking about the life ahead of her.

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