Chapter 101 - The End (Double Update Read 100 First)

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The sun had barely started to make its journey to the edge of the sky when alarms sounded outside the barrier. Cybelline looked up to see Killian flying on the back of a large dragon, ten times bigger than the ones they fought previously.

The dragon's head drooped and it's body became smaller until it was handsized. Killian flew down and stood beside Cybelline.

He threw his hand and the dragon flew toward the land, his body trembling. In an instant, a bearded man knelt before him, his face black and blue. He glared at Killian but didn't speak. Cybelline saw his mouth was bleeding.

Killian kissed Cybelline and then went toward the kitchen, his apron already on, "Tonight I'll make your favorite dishes."

Cybelline smiled as Rhia had come over at a run. She saw the man and her face grew pale, "The Dominion Shadow Dragon King?" She said in awe.

The King looked up and grimaced, every inch of him was beaten black and blue. His court from the generals to the lords, had all recieved the same treatment. Luckily for them, they did not have to make this journey.

Cybelline smiled, "Welcome to my Dominion Lands." She took a scroll from the table, "Since you've lost the war, you will be following in these demands. To the letter." She threw them at his face.

The Dragon King opened the letter and saw what was written, he paled, "This...this is ten times what we demanded."

"I was feeling generous." Cybelline smiled, her eyes dark, "I can be less generous."

The King bowed his head and said nothing.

"You are, of course, free to say no." Cybelline responded, "But know that the next time we go to war, I won't be so nice as to send my husband. Next time, it will be me."

The Dragon King looked at her with calculation. He sneered, "You little child. You really think you could beat me? I have friends who are dominion lords. We could crush you."

"Is that your answer?" Cybelline asked with a polite look.

The Dragon King spat onto the earth. Cybelline's eyes darkened and she stood.

A change occurred in the air as she took one step toward him. It was a tidal wave of power and he was barely a spec of sand in face of it. He knew then that she had been nice and generous. She had offered him a way out and like a fool, he had refused.

He knew that if he did not bow to her strength now, then there would be no next time.

Suddenly the Dragon King prostrated before her, "Great Queen. I was blind. I will happily do your Bidding. Whatever you ask!"

Cybelline smiled and that sense of power vanished. "Great! In that case my people need ways to get across my lands faster for my wedding. Why don't you lend me some of your people to help? We pay well."


The Wedding of the Dark Queen was not a quiet affair. For one thing, the Dominion gods had heard the defeat of the Dragon King at the hands of the young Dominion Goddess. Some, thinking it inconceivable, decided to attack on her wedding day, to see if she was truly as powerful.

The Dragon King stood outside the barrier, in front of his so called friend and pleaded, "Please don't do this. You don't understand!"

The seven god kings looked down at the Dragon God King in disbelief and mirth. 

A man in gold robes looked at him in annoyance, "Old Friend, Just because you're acting like her guard dog doesn't mean we're scared of her."

"Golias, you are mad!" The dragon king said, hoping that the precise of the seven dominion god kings did not mess with the wedding. He prayed that Cybelline did not notice. Now that he was guarding this dominion for her, he hoped to not draw her anger so early on.

The other God Kings roared in laughed and jeered, "You're afraid of a little witch! What did she do, blow a kiss and you are now her ardent follower? Perhaps she'---"

But the speaker never did finish that sentence. A rock the size of a car smashed into him, the force taking him back to the direction of his home.

It would take him back halfway across the dominions, and it would not stop until he smashed into a small dominion. Golias would remain in bed for the rest of the year, recovering from his wounds. 

I'll deal with you if there's anything left of you. Scram all of you. I will count to 1. 

A voice that held so much power that it would destroy all dominions rang in their brains. They found themselves dizzy as the power threatened to overwhelm their senses. It was as quick as it was painful. They stared at each other in fear. 

There was only silence as the other lords looked at each other. Then, as if in silent agreement, All of them ran for their lives. 

The Dragon king blinked in confusion. Where was the war that was promised? These cowards had all just ran away. He sighed, knowing that there would be no match amongst them against the Dark Queen. 

Below, Cybelline dusted her hands, "There. That's nice and quiet."

She looked at the assembly who was open mouthed and in awe of the bride's power. She smiled, "Let's continue." And walked back towards the dais, where Killian stood. He gently cleaned her hands for her, "Next time, I can do it. Myrai is glaring at you for almost ruining your dress." 

Rhia cleared her throat and glared at them, "Don't hold hands just yet. Wait until i give the signal." Cybelline winked at Killian who reluctantly let go. 

"My lord." Evans hissed, "My lord, please, stop smiling like a fool. The female guests are starting to hyperventilate." 

But Killian only had eyes for his woman. 

She put her hands in his and smiled at him. How was it that one smile, one smile that he had seen over the years could change everything in him. The warmth of her skin on his, her breathe on his face, her heart and his entwined. There was nothing else in this world he could crave more, nothing that could compare to this. 

Cybelline looked at the man who had been true since he was a child. She had always felt that her world was bathed in blood and darkness. He had taken her hand and promised that if there was darkness then he would be beside her. He would walk with her always. 

The bells rang when the ceremony ended.  Killian smiled, "I married a beautiful knight. Together, we will go on adventures across the land." 

Cybelline laughed, "And I have a wife!" A cheer rose into the air, even the barrier seemed to vibrate with joy at her words.

They kissed, it was a kiss of love and longing. It was a kiss that promised and fulfilled. 

It was a kiss that signified that, in each other, they had found their home. 

The End

Author's Notes: 

This is the last official chapter for Dark Queen. First off - you are all the reason why I wrote this. You are the reason why this work exists. Thank you to my readers, you have continued to push me forward. I wrote because I was inspired and wanted to share this story with you. Thank you for reading, it has been truly a wonderful experience and I will be sharing more stories. Words of appreciation can not express my joy and my gratitude, so I will let my story tell you how I feel.

That being said, I have about 6 more chapters of Epilogue. I will be sharing those once I finish. Those were the chapters I wrote in the early months of development. I might write one or two more of Killian and Cybelline once I post those - but that will be epilogue as well. 

Thank you again. You are all in my thoughts as I write the last sentence of this chapter. Thank you for loving Cybelline. 

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