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< : > : Chapter Sixteen : < : >

Harlow | Phoenix | Other people

"How many exes am I going to have to look out for Harlow? You can round the number up but I just need an estimate on how many bodies I need to explain to my higher ups once I come back to base from my visit."

"You won't have to worry about any, that's why they're called exes."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. What about you Mr. Panty Dropper? How many swooning girls will I have to knock down?"

"It's hard to say. The number grows every time I step outside but you have nothing to worry about. My attention is solely focused on you. You know, I told my Aunt about planning to have you over."

"Oh yeah? What did she say?"

"She would be delighted."

"And what did Dylan say?"

"Dylan may or may not have somewhere else to be."

"And how do you know that so far in advance?"

"I will find somewhere for him to be."

"Why would you do that?"

"I know my little cousin, who is more like a brother, but I know him and I know he'll be bating those youthful hazel eyes at you and making you smile. All the while I'm trying to get your attention."

"You already have my attention Phoenix."

"And I plan to keep it . . . You ever -"

"I want to cook for you."

" . . . . "

" . . . . "

"You want to cook for me?"

"O-Or we can make something together like cookies or brownies or . . . something. It doesn't even have to be like a date thing or a couple thing. I can invite my friend Timara over and you can invite Corey -"

"You said Timara?"


"I know a Timara - well not know her know her but Prichett - wait, what's her last name?"


" . . . . "


"Yes Harlow?"

"How do you feel about long distance relationships?"

" . . . . "

" . . . . "

"For me personally, I didn't think they could work. Why would you date someone who is miles and miles away from you? To trust them enough to be faithful to you. To only have phone calls and Skype dates. Emails and pictures can only go so far. I miss you can only be said so much and distance would eventually weed into loneliness and loneliness would drive one into the arms of another."


"But that was the past. Those were my old thoughts and I never understood how my friends back on base would be in these long ass relationships with girls from home when they could only see them maybe once a month, once every fews months depending on their life situations. I used to think that there were plenty of girls in town to be in a relationship with but there are some sick people out there searching for Marines to marry."

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