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Skylar's POV

I woke up hastily at the sound of the coffeemaker buzzing.

I had this vague thought that a giant tractor was almost about to crash into our house, and perhaps that was why I almost fell from the couch I was sleeping on.

Believe me, it was a horrible sound to wake up to.

I sat up groggily and rubbed my eyes, pulling my hair away from my face simultaneously.

"Dad?" I asked tiredly.

Watching my dad making a cup of coffee for himself the first thing after waking up was something I wished to wake up to every day. It felt nice and refreshing to see my parents in the mornings especially, something that rarely happened.

I wished for such normal sometimes.

Letting out a loud yawn, I noticed that he was dressed up in a black suit--his work clothes. Which either meant he had just changed and was leaving, or he just came back here. In this case, it was definitely the latter.

Dad glanced at me from over his shoulder and gave me a wide smile. "Oh, you're awake. Why were you even sleeping on the couch?"

I returned his smile and looked around the lounge in confusion. The exact instant, Chicken jumped up on the couch and over me, between the rumpled up blanket around my feet. I pulled up the blanket from the floor and got a peek at a familiar leather jacket at one end of the couch.

Oh shit.

My eyes widened in horror as I frantically hid the jacket under the blanket once again and looked back at Dad. He was busy making coffee so he hadn't actually noticed my little panic-moment there.

Caden was here. Caden was sleeping in my freaking room!

I looked around once again, trying to ascertain if they had already found out about Caden, or was I out of the radar.

"Dad, where is Mom?" I asked him slowly.

If she had gone up to my room, nothing was going to end up good. There was a half-naked man on my bed, for fuck's sake! My life would be ended for good. I'd probably be grounded for the rest of my life. And my parents would make me stay with Grandma the next time they leave, which would obviously be very soon.

"I think she went up to your room." He murmured, still too into his coffee to look at me.

My breath halted in my lungs. Well, it was an amazing life while it lasted.

"Mom?" I shouted. "Mom!"

I was expecting her to burst out of my room in absolute fury, but instead, she just came out of her own room.

"Why are you shouting, Skylar? You just woke up, for goodness sake." She rose her hands in the air exasperatedly.

I slumped down on the couch in relief, glad that I was spared this once. The fear was real.

"We heard some things that went down at your homecoming last night, kiddo," Dad spoke up, totally unbothered by my sudden shouting. He turned towards me and leaned back against the kitchen counter, with one hand curled around the steaming mug of coffee. "Were you there?"

I slowly stroked Chicken's head, my gaze directed at him and Mom. "Of course, not. Do I look like I went to homecoming last night?"

I was in my pyjamas, my hoodie was thrown somewhere across the lounge, there were remains of popcorn scattered on the rug (maybe even on the coffee table). All that was enough proof.

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