Thirty Six

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Skylar's POV

"Hey." I greeted as I slid inside Alex's car, passing him a small smile.

He didn't smile back though. Just frowned. "Where the heck--"

"Somewhere." I interrupted him, knowing clearly well what he was about to ask. "I know you're mad at me for ditching you at school yesterday, but it was so sudden. An emergency. I had to go, and I didn't have my phone with me to call you."

I was silently hoping that would be enough and he'd let it go. To my relief, he just shook his head and started the car, changing the topic. "How's your Physics preparation?"

I inwardly smiled and placed my backpack on my lap. "It's good." It was more than just good.

I busied myself with french-braiding my hair since I didn't get to do it back at home. I hadn't exactly woken up early (no surprises there) and Alex was always impatient when he was waiting outside my house.

"Good?" He raised a brow. "That's new."

I kept the part where Blake tutored me all to myself. No one needed to know that.

"So you aren't mad at me," I spoke after a while, patting my hair for a quick check before pulling over my hood. "Right?"

He rolled his eyes at the road ahead. "Of course, Sky." And I was glad. Yesterday alone had been too draining. I didn't want a repeat of it.

"Thanks, Allie." I scooted towards him before slinging my arm around his neck, giving him a side hug.

He gave me a small smile but ended up scrunching his nose in the end--probably at the nickname. "You should've told me earlier though." He pointed out.

"Told you what?"

"That you're into Blake Matthews." He answered, his smile slowly morphing into a frown.

I turned my head in his direction so quick that I almost had a whiplash.

"Wasn't he the same guy you came with at the match?" He asked. "I just figured that out."

I was confused actually. "Yeah?"

He glanced at me and must've sensed the confusion. "Jenna...was the one who said it."

Jenna. Who also happened to be my neighbour. How in the world could I forget that? Had she seen Blake outside my house last night? Of course, she had! Why was I even asking?

"And why the hell does she think I'm into Blake?" I asked nonetheless.

He rolled his eyes but kept looking ahead at the busy road. It was a typical morning in Crestmont Hill and I think I liked that the most about this town. People were always busy and bustling around in the mornings. It almost gave off a homely vibe.

"You let him inside your house last night," Alex spoke up.

I widened my eyes deliberately and kept on staring at him.

"At least, that's what she mentioned in the group chat." He added, sparing me a small glance.

"Why is she added in your football group chat when I'm not?" I asked, a bit offended.

"Only the members are added, Sky."

"Well, when did Jenna become a member?"

"The cheerleaders too." He replied in a way as if I should've known. But all I could think at that moment was to strangle that girl. Why couldn't she mind her own goddamn business? Who even peeped around in their neighbour's windows?

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