Twenty One

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Skylar's POV

"I didn't know you'd be here," Blake spoke up the very moment I opened the front door.

The smirk on his face clearly said otherwise.

I glanced at him anxiously and stayed within the doorframe. My hands felt too clammy with sweat as I crossed my arms. He was so different from Caden, and I couldn't help but notice that. Eyes the same shade as the blue shirt he was wearing, and hair a darker blond than Alex's.

He held no resemblance with Caden. Well, maybe except for that smirk. Maybe they weren't biological brothers at all.

After all, I didn't exactly get the chance to ask Caden about it. And besides, what kind of enmity could grow in between two brothers?

"You're Skylar, right?" He asked, breaking the silence once again. Unlike me, he didn't look one bit tense. I, on the other hand, stood like a freaking statue in my own house.

"Yeah," I answered, nodded, then tried not frowning as I stared at him. "And you're here for the file apparently."

He wasn't, a tiny voice yelled in my head. He couldn't be here just for a fucking file.

"Yeah." He nodded slowly, the smirk still on his lips. "Am I going to be invited in?"

"No?" I frowned. "I don't think that's necessary."

His eyes widened in mock hurt. "Ouch. Your parents are much more hospitable than this."

"You don't know anything about my parents."

"I do, actually." He was giving me that look again. The one that said he knew something I didn't. "Not the first time seeing your house, darling."

I froze. "I know that. Mom introduced me to your parents."

"I wasn't talking about that night."

My eyes widened. He's been here more than once? "What? When? I don't think I ever--"

"Are you scared?" He stuffed his hands in his pockets and his smirk was slowly starting to piss me off.

I was slowly starting to hate him. Maybe he had something common with Caden after all.

"Because I promise I won't touch." He added, slowly and so fucking sure of himself. "Unless, of course, you want me to."

"Of course not." I snapped, then glared at him. "You're here for the file. And I've still got Mom on the phone." I took a step back from the threshold. "So if you even try to come anywhere near me--"

Blake stepped past me, inside my house, cutting me off. "Got it, feisty."

I balled my fists.

"Thank you for inviting me in." He grinned at me. "That's very nice of you."

I couldn't help but scowl at him then. He definitely had something planned up his sleeve and I was too anxious to push him out of my house.

I glanced at the opened front door and didn't bother closing it before walking inside with Blake following close behind.

"What a charming house, hm?" He spoke up behind me.

"You can shut up now."

I heard him laughing softly behind me. "Is this why my dearest brother keeps up with you? Because you're not afraid to tell him he's being a dick?"

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