Thirty Seven

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Skylar's POV

I don't exactly know how long I kept pounding on that door, waiting, hoping for someone to open it up and let me out. But no one did. All I could hear at that point was my own racing heartbeat.

I inhaled shakily and stopped the failing attempt to shout for help. Stepping away from the door, I took out my phone from my back pocket, not failing to notice how much my hands were shaking at that moment. I knew I could simply call anyone and get out of here, but I was scared to death. I was out of breath. Someone out there had locked me in here on purpose. To scare me? To kill me from mere suffocation alone? There were no windows or any source of light in here. It was dark--pitch dark--and I couldn't stop panicking.

Scrolling through my contacts, I tried searching for Alex's name. But my hands were sweaty and trembling and it wasn't a surprise when my phone slipped out of my grasp, falling on the floor. I fell down on my knees and picked it up.

I hated this. I hated this so much.

I couldn't help but take shallow breaths. The darkness around me and the lack of fresh air, not to forget the packed up atmosphere, all of it was making me feel nauseous. Nothing seemed to be helping. I was trapped. What if I remain trapped in here forever?

I tried my best not to dwell on that. I'd surely get out somehow. Somebody has to open this door, right? I was sure I'd heard the bell ringing for the next class. Why wasn't anybody coming then?

I had been trapped in here for a whole period.

I was about to press onto Alex's name, trying my best not to freak out too much, when I heard the doorknob turning. My eyes widened in response and I stood up just as quick, hope filling up inside me out of nowhere. And I felt way beyond relieved when I saw the door opening.

"Oh my God." I rushed outside the next instant, fresh air hitting me from almost everywhere.

I don't think I'd ever been this grateful in my entire life. Willing my heart to stop beating so loudly, I pushed back my sweat-drenched hair away from my face, taking in loud, deep breaths to calm myself down.

I was out of there. I was fine.


I jerked my head towards the familiar blond guy right in front of me--the one who I think had opened the door I was trapped behind. I had been too busy trying to breathe that I hadn't even noticed him.

It was Jesse.

From Caden's gang. The one who'd tossed Shane's phone and broken it when I'd visited the huge mansion secluded in the middle of the woods.

Instead of replying, I went farthest away from the door I had just been trapped behind and found myself leaning back against the nearest wall.

"How long have you been in there?" He asked me, looking over at the door.

I stared at him with wide eyes. I didn't know what he was doing here. He didn't even study at this school and was probably the last person I was expecting to see here. But since he had practically saved me from an extreme mental breakdown, I wasn't complaining.

"I--somebody locked me in there," I whispered, pointing over at the same door.

Jesse stared at me, still looking confused. "Really?"

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