Dr Park Bee

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"It was your fault,"

"Wish you had died instead of him!"

"Hey, can I sit here?"

Bee jerked her head up when she heard a male voice. She was sat in a busy cafe, tucked away in the corner holding her face in her hands. She was almost finished with her degree but wanted to drop out. There was no point. Her father didn't care anymore, no matter how hard she tried to please him. And her only supporter - her younger brother - was dead. It was her fault. She should have gone to pick him up-

"Um, can I sit?"

Bee snapped free of her whirlwind of despair and forced a smile on her face, "Sorry. Yes, please do," She moved some of her books to the side of the table, and the man sat down with a smile.

"Thanks! Sorry to disturb your work, it's just so busy in here because of the rain,"

The first thing Bee noticed about the handsome, dark-haired stranger, was that he was wearing the uniform of a soldier from the base not far down the road. The other was that his smile was pretty, and he had an air of charm about him.

Not that it mattered to her. She wasn't interested in relationships. Her father had ruined the idea of love for her. Besides, nobody wanted Bee anymore. Her blonde hair was messy and unkempt, and she had dark bags under her eyes that looked a lot like bruising. Bee didn't care, it took attention away from the bruises on her arms.

"It's fine," She mumbled, looking back down at her coffee. She didn't like coffee that much but Josh did, so she was drinking it for him. She hadn't been allowed to his funeral, so there was nothing much else she could do.

"You're from the university?" The young man asked, and Bee resisted the urge to snap at him. Couldn't he see she didn't want to talk?

She nodded and he reached over, looking at the title of the book on the top of the pile, "Wow," He chuckled, "I can't even read those words,"

Bee just sighed and sipped at the cold, disgusting coffee in her mug. How could he drink this stuff?

"Hey," The man spoke again and Bee looked up, trying not to roll her eyes, "Do you want me to move? You don't seem very happy,"

She sighed, "No, I'm fine,"

"Well I know that's a lie," The man smiled, "You look like you're about to burst into tears,"

Bee reached up to touch her eyes, and suddenly, the man reached out, grabbing her hand. She looked down in shock, to see that her sleeve had ridden up, showing the black, green and yellow bruises where her father had been grabbing her.

"I know I'm a stranger," He said, "But a beautiful girl like you shouldn't let anyone abuse her," 

Bee's eyes filled with tears and she grabbed her books, stuffing them into her bag and dashing from the shop and out into the rain. She ran and ran, finally letting the tears she'd been holding in for months.

As she rounded the corner, drenched from the rain, she heard footsteps behind her and felt strong hands grip her shoulder, spinning her around. She dropped her books in shock, looking up at the dripping wet face of the stranger from inside the coffee shop.

"I'm sorry," He said loudly over the rain, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, it's just that when I saw those bruises I-"

Bee pulled away from him, "It's not your business!" She yelled, knowing it was wrong, but letting all her pain and anger out on the stranger, "Stop pretending that you care!"

"I'm not pretending," The man said calmly, "It's okay though, you can yell at me if you want. You've clearly been through a lot and you need to let it out,"

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Bee cried, stepping away from him and over her fallen books, "You don't know me!"

"I've been seeing you every time I get leave," The man said gently, "In that coffee shop. You've been looking more and more sad every time I see you, and I've been trying to build up the courage to talk to you for months, but never could. I got the chance today and I blew it. I'm sorry,"

Bee stared up at him, the tears mixing with the rain on her cheeks as she tried to process what he was talking about.

"I know it's not my business, and you don't know me, but please leave whoever it is who is hurting you like this," He took a deep breath, "It might seem creepy but I've liked you for ages. Just seeing you in the cafe made my entire week, and I know we never spoke, and I don't even know your name, but I-"

Bee laughed bitterly, "Like I'd believe that," She said, "Someone like me. Worthless, stupid, ugly. Not even my family like me,"

"Then they're not worth your time!" The man cried, "Because you are none of those things. And I can prove it,"

"How?" Bee challenged him, "There's no way you-"

"Go on a date with me," The man said, "Just one date. I'll prove it in just one date,"

Bee went silent. All that she could hear was the rain and the heavy breathing of the young stranger stood in front of her.

"What's your name?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

He smiled, "Sergeant Park Jimin," He said, "And you are?"

Bee hesitated before answering, "Bee,"

The smile on his face grew, "Bee," He said in a soft tone, "So, will you accept my offer of a date?"

Wordlessly, Bee gave in and nodded. She really had nothing else to lose in this life anymore. Without her brother, she had nothing; no support, no love, no motivation. Hell, if the date failed, she could always just end it, the way her father wanted her to.

The mans face lit up, "I'll meet you here on Friday at seven?" He asked, "I can't wait! You'd better go home and dry off,"

Bee nodded and turned, but Jimin reached out, gently touching her shoulder, "Don't let whoever it is hurt you anymore. You're worth so much more than you think,"

She turned and watched as he jogged away in the rain, in the direction of the base. Once he was fully out of view, Bee decided it would be best to head home and try and dry her extremely expensive books off.

When she got home, the water was dripping from her nose, and when her father came at her, yelling angry and abusive words in her direction, for the first time in her life, she reacted to defend herself.

Her swollen knuckles from punching him in the nose were nothing compared to the peace she got that night, for the first time in years.


AN: Three updates in one day, whaaat??

Okay, so some of you were wondering about Bee's past, so I thought I'd show you the moment her and Jimin met for the first time (lol it's so dramatic). It also explains why she's so good with Jungkook, and why she didn't react in the way that most people thought she would when Hana said she caused Hoseok's death and smacked her (Most people were probably expecting her to hit her back)

I hope this explained some things for you!

Also, to make things clear, Bee's father did NOT sexually abuse her, just verbal and physical

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