34: Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

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"I'm going down to the lab," Hana muttered, walking out of her room and going down the stairs. Namjoon followed wordlessly, but as they reached the bottom step, with the lab on the right, she whirled around to face him, "You don't have to follow me everywhere," She snapped at him, "I know I have to stay locked up in one room or the other, I'm not going to go anywhere else,"

"That's not why I'm following you," Namjoon said calmly, "Please go into the lab,"

"Then why are you following me?" Hana was still irritable as she headed into the lab, "Jimin hates me enough to have me confined and guarded-"

"Sarge doesn't hate you," Namjoon cut her off, "He's doing this for your own protection, Hana. I thought you of all people would be smart enough to see that,"

Hana narrowed her eyes at him, "What do you mean? Of course he hates me,"

"Jesus," Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Let me make it clear to you, Doc," He said, "You smacked a pregnant woman in the face. That woman has an extremely protective psychopath that now wants you dead," He folded his arms over his chest, "I'm your guard because apart from Bee or Jimin, I'm the only one capable of taking Taehyung on head to head. Yoongi, maybe, but he has more respect for me,"

Hana was silent.

"You understand, now?"

"You hate me, don't you?" Hana sighed, sitting on a stool and dragging a pile of paperwork across the counter to go over some results, "It's obvious. The way you talk to me has changed,"

"I don't hate you, Doc," Namjoon replied, "I just had to re-evaluate a few things,"

Hana froze before slowly looking up at him, "What does that mean?"

"It means," Namjoon looked her directly in the eye, "That you hurt someone I care very much about. I know that some people say I just blindly follow Jimin and Bee's orders, but that's not true. I follow orders because I trust and respect them. They've saved my ass countless times, and I owe both of them my life. You obviously don't know very much about Bee's past, and I didn't like the way you threw accusations at her and the words you used,"

Hana frowned, "Her past?"

Namjoon huffed out a small laugh, "Not that she knows I know. I overheard her talking to Tae a while back. Everyone always has an opinion on her, and her relationship with Jimin. But nobody knows what they've been through as individuals, and nobody seems to care about anything more than what they can see,"

There was silence again as Hana processed what Namjoon had just told her. After a moment, she spoke up, "You don't like me anymore, do you?"

"I like you," Namjoon admitted, "I'm just not sure whether it's a good idea to like you. I'm definitely not sure about a relationship. You don't seem to be a great person right now,"

When Hana looked up at him with wide eyes, he shook his head.

"Hurts, doesn't it? Being told something like that. Now imagine that instead of telling you you're a bad person, I told you that you had just murdered your own friend when he had sacrificed himself to save your life,"

The Doctor's eyes filled with tears, "Nobody understood me,"

"Jungkook did," Namjoon replied, "And he helped us all understand. But it's you who are putting yourself in the position that you're in right now. It's like you want Jimin to kick you out,"

The soldier moved away from her and took a seat on a stool by the door, "Do whatever it is you have to do. I'm done talking,"


"Tae," Bee sighed as the medic paced up and down the length of the bedroom. He had gone to check up on her after they had laid Hoseok to rest, but he himself was restless.

"Taehyung, you're going to pace through the floor," Jimin muttered, "What is it?"

"Why did you let her stay?" Taehyung whirled around to face Jimin, "She hit your wife and you let her stay. You don't care about Bee?"

"That's enough of that," Jimin snapped, "You know full well I love my wife. But we need Hana here and Bee would be more upset if we kicked her out,"

"We don't need her," The medic snapped, "Bee's a better scientist than her. She was the one who saved Yoongi when Hana made such a rookie mistake of miscalculating. Doesn't it seem suspicious?"

"It was an accident," Bee sighed, "Yoongi knocked the IV out, of course there wasn't going to be enough. And it was a trial, we'd never used it before,"

"But you got it right the first try," Taehyung interrupted, "I don't like her. And she's going to hurt Namjoon. He's too into her for my liking,"

"Namjoon is smart enough to decide what's good for him," Jimin said, finally standing up to face Taehyung, "I know you don't like Hana, but she's staying. You're not to go near her, or even look at her, is that clear?"

Taehyung glared at him and continued pacing. Jimin rolled his eyes and turned to his wife, asking for her help.

"Taehyung," Bee said, "Everyone reacts to anger in different ways. You react in ways that the majority of people find unacceptable. In fact, you tried to kill Jin recently just because you were irritated. She only slapped me,"

"Only," Taehyung scoffed, "Only slapped a pregnant woman. Ha, yes, you're absolutely righ-"

"Don't use that tone with me," Bee snapped at him, "I'm trying to talk to you like an adult here, Taehyung, but if you don't want to be treated like one, I can just send you to your room until you calm down,"

Taehyung took a deep breath, "Fine. Sorry,"

Bee nodded, "Good. Now listen. Hana is under a lot of stress, just like you are. Yes, she hit me, and she's being punished for that, just like you were punished for what you did to Jin. Let Jimin and I deal with it, okay?"

Taehyung looked at her with sad eyes, "You never let me protect you,"

Bee reached out and took one of his hands in her own, "You always protect me, Taehyung. If you hurt Hana, Namjoon and everybody else in this house will either kill you or kick you out. Why don't you let me protect you, this time?"

After a moment of silence, Taehyung pulled his hand free and nodded, "I won't touch her, I promise,"

"Good," Bee smiled, "Instead, you both can help me downstairs. I really want mashed potatoes. And gravy. Do we have peanut butter?"

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