"Shit," she said, tensing up, her eyes full of apprehension.

"Is it him?" I asked, my own heart pounding uncomfortably in a much different way than it had been a few seconds before. I knew he would have a key, but he would enjoy freaking her out more than he had to.

She shook her head. "He's in Canada for two weeks killing black bears. Just stay here for a sec," she said softly, and I nodded. She went out and closed the door behind her so it was touching the frame without clicking shut. I heard her open the front door. "Keith's not home," she said stiffly.

"Oh I know, just making sure you are," a loud voice drawled, followed by an almost cackling laugh. "And that you're alone, of course."

"Get the fuck out of here, Dylan," she said, sounding like she meant it.

He must have stepped past her anyway because his voice was closer. "You are alone, right? I'd better check."

"Stop!" she said firmly. "No one's here, stop fucking around. I'm watching a movie. Seriously, go and leave me alone."

"You want some company?" he asked, his words a little slurred. "'Cause what Keith don't know won't hurt him."

I got my mini stun gun out of my purse and waited anxiously, fervently hoping I wouldn't need to use it.

"I'll tell him you said so," she came back coolly.

He snorted. "You wish, you know he wouldn't even care. Whatever, I'm outta here. Be good, Chloe . . . or you'll wish you had." He laughed his witchy cackle again and I heard the door slam.

She locked it even as I went out to join her. "What an asshole," she said, but she was shaking with the adrenaline, sketched out. "He tried to kiss me at Christmas, and Keith thought it was hella funny." Her eyes sparked. "Said I wasn't in the holiday spirit and I was causing a scene when I yelled at him." A muscle in her jaw clenched.

I put my little taser in my pocket and took her hands in mine in the dark foyer. "We're gonna get you outta here," I promised.

She held my eye, wanting to believe. "Somehow I don't doubt that, though I don't know how."

"By the time he gets back, watch," I assured her, daring to kiss her again. I meant it. "C'mon, chocolate will help you calm down." I led the way down the hall, my filterless mouth running. "And if that doesn't help I know a few tricks."

Now she was the embarrassed one, but she liked it. "Wow," she said as we got back on the bed.

"I'm just saying," I said, feeling brave. I liked her so much.

"I'm just listening," she came back mischievously, biting her lip.

"It's actually easier to show you probably," I told her, and we never did get back to the movie.

An hour later we sat on the bed in the near-dark, talking. She'd turned on the multicolored lights that were strung around the edges of the ceiling, which I loved, and the ambiance was perfect. Like her face. The ice cream had melted but she exchanged it for another carton and we ate it with the delectable cake.

"Where'd you get this from, oh my God," I said, trying not to eat so fast. I sat in my tank top and underwear, completely comfortable. I'd never been a hugely modest person.

And of course she'd now seen it all anyway.

She ate some of the whipped cream and shrugged, her hair over her bare shoulders making her look like a painting. "I made it?" 

"Shut up," I said. "You did not." I took another heavenly bite. "What about the cherry sauce?"

She smiled a little. "I made that too," she said with a little more confidence. All she had on was a pale pink bra with lacy cups and a silky pair of pajama shorts, and I wanted to take it all off again but somehow restrained myself.

"Yeah, you're gonna have to marry me," I told her matter-of-factly. "I kind of already decided that though."

Her smile widened and I felt a rush of pleasure at making her happy, trying not to let the reality of her situation hang over us like the dark cloud it was. "I've never even dated a girl before." She shrugged again. "Though I always wanted to," she admitted, pouring the last of the wine. Now her movements were more languid. 

"Your family homophobic?" They didn't seem so, but who knew. Dickhole obviously was.

She shook her head. "Not at all. I just, I've had to deal with Keith for two years, and I was too shy in high school, you know? And everyone else was talking about boys all the time and I didn't even totally realize I liked girls like that." She sat cross-legged on the comforter, twisting part of it in her hands. 

I reached for her left hand and held it, tracing the back of her fingers, making her shiver. "Are you bi?"

She didn't answer right away. "I think I'm probably not, I never had much interest in boys, I thought it was just me not having much of a sex drive." She glanced at me, mischievous. "Which clearly isn't true."

"Clearly," I said with a grin.

"I mean, I had a friend who was interested, but I thought she was just really friendly. Looking back I can see how she meant it, though. And one place my mom lived for a while, our neighbor was always hanging out in the hall and inviting me over."

"I'm sure she was," I said appreciatively, stifling a yawn. I'd been up since five but I hated the thought of going to sleep and missing a second with her.

She noticed though. "C'mere, lay with me," she offered, raising the covers in invitation. The central air conditioning kept it cool enough to warrant the blankets, which also meant it was just the right temperature for snuggling.

"This is the best, we should do it every night," I said when we were comfortable, her arm under my head, mine across her stomach. She was soft and warm and we tangled just right together. 

"We should," she agreed. "The sooner the better."

"It will be soon. You're not alone; we'll figure this out before he gets back," I promised her, because I had an idea, even if it was going to be a bitch to execute. 

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