Chapter 17: I'm A Sunflower

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Lia James

"You're kidding, right?" I laugh quietly, while assessing the situation. These two buffoons are staring at me like there's bugs flying out of my hair.

"Nope." Eli answered, popping the "p" and rocking back on his heels.

"You do realize it's 8:00? I have homework to do and tests to study for. I've been at the school all day." I throw my head back in exhaustion. I could hear a faint sigh coming from Eli.

"Who does there homework anyway?" Andrew rolls his eyes.

"People who actually want to do good in school and go to college somewhere. Unlike some people, Andy." I spat, using the nickname that I know makes Andrew's head spin.

"You know nothing about me, Lee. So stop assuming." He said back, and I gave him a weirded out stare. He definitely snapped.

"Forget about homework, James." Eli began. "Come with us. Have a good time for once in your life."

"Okay, first of all no, I still have mounds of homework to get started on in here." I patted my very fat backpack. "And second, Eli is the only person in your whole entire group who is actually fond of me."

"You're not wrong." Andrew adds.

"What about Julian?" Eli suggests, gesturing with his hands. "He likes you."

"Who's Julian?" I ask.

"He's the guy that was with us at the baseball field that one night. Black hair, dark skin?" Eli describes, hoping that I would be able to figure it out.

"Oh! That dude? I'm pretty sure he was too hungover to even recognize what was going on." I laugh, definitely feeling the weight of my backpack taking its toll on my back.

"Okay, so maybe he wasn't aware and doesn't remember you. So what? At least just come with us and breathe a little. Forget the homework and all that other school bullshit. Leave it at home, and all the boring thoughts that go with it." Eli offers, and I still shake my head no.

"Sorry, Eli. I'm going to go mentally insane if I don't do my homework before I go to bed. It's just my personality." I shrug, and he moans in frustration.

"Fine!" He says back.

"Goody-Two-Shoes." Andrew states, and I practically give him the death glare.

"I'm gonna go now." I gesture towards my car, and then turn my heels in the opposite direction.

Who was I kidding, I wasn't about to spend the night with a bunch of boy teenagers who want to go out and do reckless stuff. I would know, I have acquaintances back home that would invite me to sneak out from time to time. I would never disobey my mom.

Let's just say my mother definitely raised me right if I refused to break any of the household rules. Or maybe I am a goody-two shoes.

Nononononono. Girl, you're just smart.

Damn right I am!

Okay, I'm going to stop talking to myself.

After having a strange conversation with my conscience, I reached the house that has been generously offered for me to stay in. I've known the Butler's for so long, I appreciate everything they do for me. Alex practically treats me like her own child. And so did my Mom with Lina and Mason.

Speaking of Mason, I limited the amount of times I could potentially walk into him at school, and at his house. I changed my route from one class to another, didn't spend as much time downstairs as I usually did. And since Mason has yet to come downstairs to eat dinner, I don't see him there either.

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