Chapter 23: A Secret Is Revealed [Part 1]

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Above: Josh Hutcherson as Nicholas Price. Obviously, his age doesn't match up with this character, so I tried to find a picture that makes it seem like he's a little younger. I thought he was perfect for the part of Nick, and I hope you do as well! (Nick has to be in my top ten favorites, he's just such a funny, rambunctious character!) I've always loved making characters with a personality and charisma, and I think Nick definitely falls under these categories.

ALSO! This chapter, chapter 23, is the TURNING POINT IN THE PLOTLINE! This is one of the most IMPORTANT chapters EVER! This makes Being Bad the story it is, so please read with caution, and proceed. You have been warned...


Lia James

I'm so surprised that I didn't crash on my way home to the Butlers.

I was fast, uncontrollable, and most of all I was stressed. I had just witnessed something that I couldn't unsee. Something that changed my whole perspective on everything.

Everything people do now, I will always question. I will always be suspicious, no matter what the case.

I saw something.

And it saw me.

And there's no going back.


It was almost four o'clock. I was in my room, sitting on my bed listening to music while doing my homework.

I was so completely stressed, I never had enough time to do anything with softball being almost every single day.

And, I have to make sure that I keep all my grades up because I have to go to college. Geez, being a senior really does suck.

Why does the quadratic formula even matter?

Why does electronegativity in an element matter?

Why does the formation of bones matter?

Wait, scratch that.

I erased my paper profusely, getting even more frustrated than before. I did the whole pre-calculus problem wrong, and now I have to do the whole thing over again.

Just great.

Before I even had the chance to make contact with my pencil on the paper, my phone started ringing.

"Whyyyyy?" I screamed at absolutely no one.

I glanced at the contact known as Papa James, and I almost got whiplash from my double take. This was the first time my Dad has ever called me in the almost 2 months that I've been here.

My Dad was a busy guy. There was no questioning it, but his daughter is across the country and hasn't said a word. Just a text as soon as I got off the plane saying "I know you'll do great. I love you."

But regardless of his failure of communication, he was calling and I was grateful for it.

Now, I know what you're thinking...why haven't I called him? Well, whenever I call him he never answers. Or he answers and says that it is a bad time.

I love my Dad to death, but I just wish he would call more and take initiative.

"Dad?" I answered the phone excitedly.

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