Chapter 52: There's Something Really Wrong

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Lia James

I felt the weight of a million tons. I woke up nearly startling myself as what felt like five thousands pounds crushing my lungs.

Is this what death feels like? Cause it really sucks.

I try and suck in as much breath as I can, and shortly after I hear myself wheezing. I don't even know what's on top of me, I can barely see two inches in front of me. My windows are closed, and all the blinds were shut.

"Whoops, sorry Lia." I hear a masculine voice say, and then I feel weight transferring from my chest to the other side of the bed.

"Who's here? Is it Tom Brady?" I can almost swear that I'm dreaming.

"Nah. Kind of like the high-school version of Tom Brady." The voice said matter-of-factly. It took me a bit of thought, but then I caught on.

"Mason? What are you doing in my room at..." I glance at the clock on my nightstand. "Nine in the morning on a Saturday?"

"Well, as you know, Lina has a sleepover with Dante. And by sleep, I mean none. Seriously, I couldn't get even a blink of sleep. Lina's bed kept rocking against my wall."

I shuddered at the image, and sat up on my bed, scratching my head. I still couldn't comprehend why Mason was here, in my room.

"So, are you going to explain why you are in my room, or am I gonna have to beat it out of you?"

"Well, you're the only room, besides my Mom's, that is on the other side of the hallway." He was hoping I would get it. "Look, I needed a place to sleep while those two animals did the nasty. I didn't want to listen to it."

I grimaced, patting him on the back for moral support. "Thanks so much for those vivid words."

"You're very welcome." He smiled. "Anyway, did I snore? I would hate to have kept you up all night."

"No, but you do get up close and personal. Hence the 'you crushing me' part that happened this morning." I reminded him, and he nodded his head.

"I didn't realize I got all cuddly when I sleep." He laughed.

"I'm gonna feel so bad for your future wife." I mumbled quietly, hoping he wouldn't figure out what I said.


"Oh nothing!" I flung the linen sheets that clung to my body, and got up from the bed. "I'm gonna make some breakfast. What would you like?"

"You know, now that I'm thinking about it, I would like some eggs-"

"Frozen waffles it is!" I raced out the room, and headed for the stairs. I could almost hear Mason's "Awwww" from me rejecting his choice of breakfast.

Aunt Alex was having breakfast with some of her co-workers, which left the kids to fend for themselves. I wasn't about to take her place as the cooker of the house.

I grabbed the frozen waffles from the freezer, and placed them each in a slot. I pulled the lever down, and while waiting, I poured myself a cup of coffee.

While sipping my black coffee in peace, I see the patio doors open without hesitation. Cole casually walks into the dining room like he lives here.

"What are you doing barging in here?" I give him a weird look.

"What?" He shrugged. "The door was unlocked."

"How often do you do this without anyone ever noticing?" I placed the mug on the granite counter. He walks over to the other side of the island, and sits down on the middle bar stool.

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