Chapter 47: Amateur Night

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Lia James

It was the end of the day on Friday, and I was at my locker gathering my things. I put away all the notebooks and folders that I didn't need, and then took some notebooks and folders that I needed.

I was about to close my locker, when I felt a presence behind me. I could see it's shadow crowding over me.

"Whoever is behind me, make yourself known. I am a black belt in Karate." I said very nonchalantly, and I heard laughing coming from behind me.

"Well, I hope you don't use it on me. I know things haven't been good with us." I turn around and see Ian.

Just great. I thought I'd never have to see him again.


"I know, I know. I know that we said we would part ways after last weekend, but I just want to know if you're okay."

"I'm great. A whole lot better than last weekend, that's for sure." I sighed, laughing.

"I just wanted to let you know of what happened, so you're not confused. I want to give you full closure."

"You don't have to, Ian. I had enough closure when we talked on my porch last Saturday." Can this guy take a hint?

"Actually, it's not closure for you, it's more closure for me." He paused, getting ready to tell his story. It wasn't needed, but it sure seemed like he needed it. "Sage...she kind of showed up at my house unexpectedly. She claimed that she 'forgot her charger' or something. I told her that you were coming by, and then she started kissing me. But then, I realized that I kind of liked it. It felt horrible thinking that because you and I were together, but I did. Maybe it's because we didn't kiss, I don't know, but it went on further from there."

"Congrats, Ian." I said sarcastically. "You've been deflowered."

"Wait, what? Why are you mad? And she didn't deflower me."

"I'm not mad, Ian. You didn't need to tell me all that. It's bad enough that you were cheating on me while we're dating, but now you're trying to rub it in my face? That's low, even for you."

"I wasn't! I needed closure."

"We got closure, Ian. It was a mutual breakup for the both of us. There is no need for a reminder of what happened on Saturday." I slammed my locker angrily.

"Well, I'm sorry you feel this way. I just thought-"

"Ian, really? I told you on Saturday that I was in love with somebody else. You told me you felt something for Sage. We both agreed that we would part ways and not see each other again."

"Wow. Andrew's still gone and you're taking your anger out on me?" He crossed his arms, firing an insult.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed. "Listen, asshole, I'm not taking my anger out on anybody. We both agreed to breakup and yet you're still bringing back the time you cheated on me just for the sole purpose of rubbing it in my face. If anything, I have every right to be angry with you."

"Ian fucking Rivers. Have I ever told you how much I hated you?" Andrew walks up to me, after he sees me in distress, and puts his arms around my shoulders.

Ian is speechless, utterly speechless. He knew that Andrew has been gone for quite sometime, and he must've not known that he came back.

"I could say that same thing about you. Control your girlfriend." Ian pointed towards me, and Andrew walks up to him with his chest pointed up all caveman like.

"Watch what you say to me, Rivers. I can easily kick your ass with just my pinkie finger and you know it."

"Why don't you let Lia stand up for herself. This isn't about you." Ian narrows his eyes at the both of us.

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