Attack from Isengard

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The horses walked in a line with people walking besides them as well. The people of the village walked with their belongings and the children hung to their mother's hand.

Rhea walked behind Gimli, who, amazingly, managed to ride a horse on his own. Éowyn was besides him on the ground, talking to him. I was next to Legolas who was laughing at Gimli. Aragorn was behind us.

"It's true that you do not see many Dwarf women. They are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for men." Gimli was telling Éowyn. She smiled and looked at Aragorn behind her. Turning around as well, I saw Aragorn mouth the words "It's the beards." And he touched his own. Éowyn shushed him as he smiled.

"Than there is the belief that there are no Dwarf women. And Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground." At this, Éowyn laughed out loud, and I joined her. Gimli was about to say some more, when his horse flew out of control. His horse ran a few feet and stopped. Gimli, who had been totally unprepared, had fallen from the saddle and was laying on the ground.

Slightly amused, I turned Rhea and walked over to him. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Nobody worry!" He insisted. "That was deliberate! That was all deliberate!" I chuckled.
"Gimli, do you want to walk from now on?" He shot me a look and clambered back on his horse.

We continued for a long while more. Our horses were walking by us, resting. I had lost track of time when my ears picked something up. I stopped in my tracks. Legolas did the same. He had heard it too. Wargs were running our way. I looked at him and he had a knowing expression on.

Just than, a scout came over a hill and shouted at Théoden. "There are Wargs, My Lord!" We looked around at each other and we all had the same face on. Legolas, Aragorn and I. Our battle face. Riders on horses and people on foot, running, sprinted over the hill to engage in battle with our enemy.

Before charging off, I turned to Éowyn. "Please," I begged. "Stay here." She looked at me. "I can fight!"
"I know." I told her. "But please stay here!" She nodded after a while and I smiled at her. Than I turned and followed Legolas over the hill.

When I saw the raging fight, I wasn't surprised. I was used to this kind of events. Pulling out my swords, I ran for the closest Warg and the Orc on it's back. After decapitating the Warg, I plunged my sword into the Orc's chest.
I went on a spree, ruthlessly killing, blood spattering my face, arms and clothes. "I need Rhea!" I thought.
But my horse was nowhere in sight.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Legolas swinging onto Arod with one hand. I mentally rolled my eyes. That Elf...

I made my way over to him, killing anyone in my way. Once I was there, he gave me his hand and I pulled up behind him. He wasn't holding on to Arod's reins, instead had both of his swords in either hand and was killing anything he could reach.

I pulled out my bow, and nocked an arrow. I slowly moved into a crouch behind Legolas. Firing arrow after arrow, I moved into a standing position. The sight was better from up higher and I had better range. Legolas was killing the Orcs close to us, and me, the ones farther away. "Ryanne! To the left!" Legolas shouted at me. Before I could turn, a sharp pain ripped through my left calf.

Holding back a scream, I pulled out a knife and quickly threw it in the Orc's head that had sliced my leg open.
I couldn't stand on my wound any longer, so I resumed a sitting position on Arod.

The small battle lasted only a while more. I jumped down from the horse, without thinking. I yelled as I landed on my injury. I crumpled to my right leg and Legolas jumped down besides me. "Where?" He said simply. "Left calf." I gritted my teeth.

He gently pushed me down in a sitting position and pulled my left leg out. My pant leg had been ripped open and there was a five inch gash that was bleeding freely. Legolas ripped up my pant leg that was tattered and wrapped it around my bleeding leg.
"It should stop bleeding, but it would need to be properly treated once we get to Helms Deep." He spoke in a no-arguments tone, so I nodded. "I can walk, I'm okay." He made sure that I wasn't lying before he went to look for the wounded.

My weapons were back in place, and all my arrows returned to my quiver. I spotted Rhea back with Arod, thankfully unharmed. I ran to her and stroked her mane. "Good girl!" I kissed her nose. "Stay here." I told her and she whinnied in response.

Aragorn was no where to be seen, and I began to look for him.

"Aragorn!" I shouted, catching the attention of Gimli and Legolas.
"Aragorn!" I called to him multiple times but he never answered me.
"ARAGORN!" My voice got more and more desperate each time I called.

The Dwarf and the Elf helped me call him and search for him, but we found and heard nothing. Gimli spotted an alive Orc laying down by a slight drop-off and he ran over, Legolas and I following him.
Surprisingly, the Orc was laughing. Or coughing. I couldn't tell. "Tell me where he is, and I will ease your passing!" Gimli growled, pointing his axe at the Orc.

The creature just kept laughing and coughing, a horrible sound. "He's dead." He finally said to us. My blood ran ice-cold. "Took a little tumble off the cliff." He motioned to the cliff right in front of us.

Legolas grabbed the front of the Orc's armor and held his face close to his own. "You lie!" He snarled, determined to find his friend. The Orc kept laughing, making me very angry.
After Legolas dropped him, I grabbed one of my arrows, and plunged it into his arm.

Than I ripped it out and sank it into his leg. Than ripped it out a second time and stabbed him in his chest. Arrows were created to go in easily, but not to come out of a body. So with each time I punctured the Orc and ripped my arrow out, he yelled louder and louder.
I was about to do it again, when Legolas grabbed my arm. "Ryanne! Ryanne stop it!" I dropped my arm and let him take my arrow and put it back in my quiver.

"He's not dead." I insisted. "He can't be." I blatantly refused to let my tears run, and I set my jaw, hard.
Théoden came up behind us, and placed a hand on my shoulder, picking up on our grief.

"Get the wounded on horses, the Wolves of Isengard will return. Leave the dead." I glared at his retreating back, but didn't argue. I knew better than to fight with a king.

Legolas, Gimli and I mounted our horses and led them back to the rest of the people. We walked in a line for only a few hours more, but it
seemed like many lifetimes without Aragorn.


A/N: I'm very sorry that this one wasn't all that long...oops.

I have family visiting for a week,
So I don't know how much time I will be allowed to stay in my dark room, eating Pringles and typing on my laptop.

I will try to update, promises for soon.

Shout out to: BambiTheLightCaster, because she was the first to comment, saying her opinion on my book. Thank you so much!!!
When I read your comment, I sat there rocking back and forth, with an ecstatic smile on my face.

I hope that's not creepy...

Please vote and comment!!


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