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Tae: Hey! Help!

Me: Yes?

Tae: Black or white?

Me: Black?

Tae: Thanks. Ready for college?

Me: Don't ask 😐

Tae: 😂

*Taehyung smirked as he pulled on his black shirt and walked out into the dining room. The boys sat around the table for breakfast. He sat beside Jimin who grinned seeing Tae's eyes glued to the phone.

'What's new?' he whispered,  stuffing some eggs into his mouth.

'Same old' Tae said,  smiling fondly as Y/N ranted about a party she had gone to the other night.

Yoongi watched the two boys whispering to each other. He'd been noticing the change in Tae's behavior for a while now and he knew something was up. His eyes then fell on Jungkook who was in a very animated conversation with Hoseok. Jungkook had been in a very turbulent relationship just sometime back and it had been difficult to bring him back. He suspected Tae was going in the same route.

Yoongi was extremely protective of his friends, especially his younger boys. He was so anything to keep them safe.

Taehyung chatted away,  without noticing the particular set of eyes studying him. After breakfast,  he and Jimin left the table,  with Jungkook tagging along with them.

'OK, you both' Jungkook looked really annoyed.

'What's up Kook?' Taehyung asked,  pocketing his phone.

'Why don't you tell me?' the younger boy asked,  folding his arms.

'What's happened to you?' Jimin asked with a frown.

'Since when are you keeping secrets from me?!' Jungkook felt more hurt than angry.

Taehyung and Jimin exchanged looks.
Sighing,  Taehyung stepped forward and said 'I'm sorry'

'Just don't keep me out OK?  I always support all your crazy shit!' Jungkook pouted, making himself comfortable on Taehyung's bed.

'So what's her name?' he asked,  giving the two boys a serious look.

Jimin looked like his was choking on his own breath.

'But how?!' Taehyung asked.

'It's so obvious you're drooling over some girl' Jungkook said matter-of-factly. 'You're always staring at your phone with heart-eyes.'

'Who else knows?!' Taehyung asked,  blushing.

'No one for now' Jungkook said. 'But keep this up,  and they all will'

'Well,  I told you' Jimin said,  taking his seat near Jungkook.

'So,  name?' Jungkook asked.

'Y/N' Taehyung said.

'A foreigner?!'

Taehyung smiled,  nodding.  He told him all about his he first spoke to her and how he couldn't get her out of his head.

'Is she pretty?  I wanna see her!' Jungkook was beyond excited.

Jimin pursed his lips,  eyes on Taehyung.

'So, the thing is' Taehyung stuttered. 'I've never seen her'

'What?' Jungkook gave him a blank stare.

'Don't look at me like that!  She doesn't know that I'm Kim Taehyung. I just told her I'm Tae. If I asked to see her,  she'll wanna see me too!  I don't wanna scare her!' Taehyung defended himself.

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