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Day 1:

Taehyung joined his brothers for breakfast,  but everyone sensed something off. Jimin and Jungkook sat silently on either side of the boy,  eyeing him every now and then. Taehyung's eyes were red and puffy,  and he really didn't put in any effort to hide his bad mood.

No one dared to question his behavior,  but they did corner Jimin to get answers.

'What's wrong with this boy!' Jin sighed.

They tried to be soft with him. They overlooked the fact that he kept messing up his steps during practice and his voice was literally not there,  when he tried to sing his line. Finally unable to stay there any longer,  he excused himself and locked himself up in his room.


Y/N winced in pain as she tried to put on her shirt. Her bottom lip was bleeding again,  and she huffed out in annoyance. Seeing this,  Apu silently walked to Y/N's wardrobe to get her a shirt with buttons,  and helped her put it on.

'Y/N, please listen to me. Just tell him what happened at least' she said.

'Apu. It's not happening.' Y/N said,  as she wiped the blood off her lips with a tissue.

'How long will you both stay this way?' Apu asked.

'I don't know' Y/N said.

She blinked rapidly to prevent her tears from falling and Apu could see through the mirror as she did.


Day 2:

'Taehyung. Stop being so stubborn!' Jungkook snapped. 'How old are you really?!'

'Just let it be Jungkook!' Taehyung said. 'I'm sure she hates me enough to not want to see me anymore'

'God can you please slap some sense into his head,  Jimin?!' Jungkook said.  'You won't call her,  and won't even let us call her!'

'Taehyung,  he's right.' Jimin said. 'Just talk to her. I know you are guilty,  it's alright to accept you're mistake , especially when it's about the people you love'

'I know. I do. I just-'


Y/N stared at her phone, hoping he would call. Each time someone rang the doorbell,  she would reach first,  hoping it was him. But it never happened. It was as if he wasn't planning to come back. The pain of being ignored by him hurt more than any of her injuries.

Apu wanted to so badly call Taehyung and tell him what had actually happened,  but Y/N banned her from doing anything like that.


Day 3:

Taehyung couldn't really believe she wasn't trying to contact him. But he couldn't point fingers since he wasn't doing it either. Guilt ate him from the inside,  but he was so afraid of the thought that she wouldn't want to be with him anymore that he thought I was better to stay silent.

He sighed dejectedly.

'Just go and see her, Tae.' Jungkook said. 'I'm sure she had a good reason for what happened that day. It's Y/N. You know her.'

'I know Kook,  I was such an idiot to shout at her like that.' Taehyung said. 'I don't know how to face her'

Just then,  his phone rang. He jumped to grab it,  and his eyes brightened seeing Apu's number.


Hearing Apu's voice flooded him with relief.

'Apu!' he said,  and Jungkook's head snapped to face Taehyung's immediately.

'OK,  I'm really losing my mind here with you two!' Apu said. 'She banned me from calling you,  but seriously,  I can't take it anymore'

'Apu I'm really sorry for the way I behaved, believe me I've been dying here.'

'You don't know what happened,  Tae. You should see her. It's all my fault!  None of this would have happened -' Apu trailed off,  sniffing.

'What happened?' Tae's voice was low and his heart pounded inside him heavily.

Apu recited the events of the day to him,  and he was speechless.

'Please,  Tae. She needs you right now.  Please.' Apu said,  before hanging up.

Tears trickled down his cheeks as he told his friends what had happened.

'Oh my God!' Jimin said, 'You should go now!'

'She'll hate me' Tae said, wiping his tears.

'Stop crying!  You're not going there and crying!  You'll go and be there for her. Understand?' Jimin's voice was stern as he said that.

He turned to look at Jungkook who looked equally affected.

'You two should go. It'll make them feel better' Jimin said.

Jungkook nodded,  grabbing Tae's arm and pulling him out. The ride to the girls' apartment in silence.

'It's going to be fine' Jungkook assured him as they made their way up to their apartment.

He pressed the doorbell,  and waited for someone to get the door. Taehyung expected it to be Y/N, but Apu opened the door. The boys were taken aback seeing the bruises on her arms and face.

'She's in her room,  Tae' Apu said softly.

Taehyung nodded, and made his way towards Y/N's room,  his heart pounding wildly. He knocked on her door softly,  before opening it.


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