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Kookie: Noonaaaa

Kookie: Noonzz

Kookie: 🤔

Y/N: Gosh give me a second to reply!!

Kookie: There you are!

Y/N: Here I am

Kookie: Noonaaa

Y/N: Yes,  Jungkook?

Kookie: So I'm gonna ask you something very serious

Y/N: O... K...

Kookie: So it's very important to me,  and you can't tell anyone about it

Y/N: I need to think about it

Kookie: Noona!!  Quit kidding around!

Y/N: Fine,  tell me!!

Kookie: You can't tell Taehyung or Apu

Kookie: I'll tell Tae when I'm ready

Y/N: Uhhhh! OK,  I won't tell anyone!

Kookie: Good

Y/N: Are you gonna say it or what?

Kookie: OK... This is difficult

Y/N: Ya,  and annoying

Kookie: You must be the only girl in the world to think Jeon Jungkook is annoying 😒

Y/N: There's gotta be a first of everything right?

Kookie: Take it right back! I'm not annoying!!

Y/N: You are not annoying Jungkook-ah

Y/N: Happy?

Kookie: It'll do for now

Y/N: Say it now or I'm going

Kookie: OK,  ok

Kookie: Noona,  what does Apu think of me?

Y/N: 😳

Y/N: Umm

Kookie: I need an honest answer

Y/N: Oh,  this is gonna hurt,  but she thinks you're a weak gamer 😂😂😂

Kookie: Shit

Kookie: Really

Kookie: How am I gonna show my face there again 😭

Y/N: 😂

Kookie: It's not funny!  I haven't lost a game to anyone! Not even Tae!

Y/N: But you got your ass kicked by my girl!

Kookie: You have to help me,  Noona!

Y/N: With?

Kookie: Seducing Apu!

Y/N: Ew

Kookie: Not in that sense!

Kookie: I want her to like me! 

Y/N: Ohhh

Y/N: I was only kidding Jungkook

Y/N: She thinks you're pretty cool

Kookie: 🤔

Y/N: I promise!  I was just pulling your leg

Kookie: Are you serious

Y/N: Very

Kookie : Hmm

Kookie: 😍

Y/N: 😍


Y/N: How's everything going

Tae: All good

Y/N: 💕

Tae: What are you up to?

Y/N: Oh nothing 😊

Tae: I can literally hear that tone.

Y/N: Honestly it's nothing

Tae: Hmm,  ok

Tae: For now

Tae: I know how to bring it out of you

Y/N: 🤐


Y/N: Why would you tell me something I'm not allowed to tell Taetae?!

Y/N: Jungkookie I hate you

Kookie: You promised!

Y/N: I didn't say anything!

Kookie: Good girl

Y/N: Uh

Y/N: This sucks

Kookie: You have to be serious about this!  It's your best friend and your boyfriend's best friend's future!

Y/N: 🙄

Kookie: You're the only one who can help me Noona!!

Kookie: Pleaseeeeee!!

Y/N: Stop whining!!

Y/N: You come here all the time!  Just ask her out!

Kookie: I'm scared!

Y/N: What for?!

Kookie: I don't know!  I messed up before!  I made a fool of myself, and my brothers suffered too because of me!

Y/N: Kookie🙁

Y/N: I'm sorry

Kookie: Don't be,  Noona,  I just

Kookie: I know if I tell Tae he would support me,  but I'm just so scared

Kookie: I can't mess up and ruin things for you and Tae too

Kookie: Apu is your best friend

Y/N: Jungkook,  I can assure you Apu is an angel

Y/N: There is nothing to be afraid of

Y/N: You know I would stand by you no matter what

Y/N: I'm sure Tae agrees

Kookie: I know Noona

Kookie: I can't mess up


'I knew this was coming' Taehyung said with a shrug once Jungkook was done with his confession,  a couple of days later.

Jungkook blushed, giving his brother a nervous look.

'Jungkook,  if your sure you feel that way,  then ask her' Taehyung said. 'We've known her for a while now,  and I'm sure she's nothing like-'

Taehyung looked away not completing the sentence.

'I know,  Tae. I just don't know how the others would take it.' Jungkook said. 'Yoongi hyung would probably skin me alive'

Taehyung rolled his eyes at that.

'He wanted to do that to me too,  but see now?  He loves them both' Taehyung said with a smile.

'Just give it a chance.' Taehyung said.

Jungkook nodded,  smiling.

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