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~ L I L A ~
    "Jevan?" I softly murmur bringing my knees to my chest staring at the sky as I sat on the roof of our house, well more like a mansion, with him. "Yea?" He asks looking at me.  "Do you believe in true love?" I ask resting my cheek on my legs so I could look at him. He looks bewildered, wondering why I was asking him this. "Well yea. I think that everyone is made for someone and when you find that person who completes you then you have found true love," he answers. It's quiet for a while. "Why are you asking?" He questions. "I heard mom and dad talking about it. How one day we'll be all grown up and find our true love. Mom sounded kind of sad," I murmur remembering the tone in her voice. "You were spying on mom and dad again?" He asks making me sigh and sit with my legs crossed. "I didn't mean to! I was looking for dad to ask him for help with my math homework and I heard them talking," I defend myself.

"That's still spying Lila," he says. "Don't use your big brother voice on me," I whine. "It's hard not to with you," he replies. I roll my eyes putting my attention on my slippered converse feet. "I heard them talking about something serious afterwards," I say. I bite my lip as I remember the words that left dads lips. "Dad wants to tell me more about my adoption," I whisper. I feel Jevan shift slightly. "Mom hates the idea and I can understand why. But part of me wonders who I would have been, who I was supposed to be," I admit. "You were supposed to be Lila Spencer, no one else. If you were supposed to be someone else then god wouldn't have had Stella and Elijah adopt you," Jevan explains and I can here the slight anger in his voice. I lift my head up to look at him.

"You don't understand. You know everything about your adoption. They even allow you to see your real dad! I'm stuck in this house by
my self half the time because you go to college in New York and mom and dad are always at work. I'm left wondering how my life would have been. I crave even a single detail about who I was before I became Lila Spencer. Like I said, You don't understand because you've known since you were twelve," I huff standing up. "Lila -," Jevan reaches out. "Don't! Just go back to New York and worry about your new life," I spit crawling through the window. I stomp towards my room and slam the door behind me. Locking it, I walk towards the connected door that led to my art room. Pulling out a new sketching canvas, I take a deep breath trying to calm myself down before diving straight into my drawing.

    I smile setting my pencil down before looking at my finished sketch. Furrowing my eyebrows I examine it. I had drawn a guy who had a button up blue shirt, brown hair, golden eyes, and a perfect smile. Who was he? Carefully taking the sketch, I put it with the others that I had drawn. I take a step back and examine them. They looked so unhumanly gorgeous. Who were they? Why had I been drawing them the last couple of days? And why did I seam to calm down when I looked at my sketches of them?

◦  •  ◦  •  ◦  •  ◦WC: 592 So someone pointed out that it would be weird to have Renesmee and her parents share the same mate so Renesmee and Jacob will just be friends with Lila

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◦  •  ◦  •  ◦  •  ◦
WC: 592
So someone pointed out that it would be weird to have Renesmee and her parents share the same mate so Renesmee and Jacob will just be friends with Lila.

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