• N O V E M •

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~ L I L A ~
   The bell rung, indicating that it was now lunch time. Letting out a sigh, I head towards the cafeteria. My eyes travel around before spotting Rachel, Audrey, and Ryan. With a slight frown on my face as I remember what occurred earlier in the morning, I take a step forward. "Hey, Lila!" A voice behind me exclaims making me turn to spot Jackson. "Hey," I smile at my co captain. "So I have everything ready for cheerleading tryouts this weekend," he informs me handing me a folder that i'm guessing had all the information of the students that were trying out. "Thats this weekend?" I gasp my eyes wide having forgotten. "Yea, I texted you last night about it," Jackson's eyebrows furrow looking confused. "Are you okay? You seem more forgetful then usual," Jackson comments. "I'm just... stressed," I lie feeling a sense of calmness come over me. Jackson looks at me skeptically before hesitantly nodding. "Alright, I'll look over these and post the tryout schedules," I say sending him a strained smile, he returns it with an unsure  one.

    "I'll text you tonight about it," I call out to him as I walk away. Heading towards my friends i can't help but feel eyes on me. Slightly turning my head I see the familiar faces of Rosalie, Alice, Bella, Edward, and Jasper, along with three unfamiliar faces. Their eyed were all trained on me. With a slight furrow of my eyebrows I turn my attention back to walking over towards my friends. "Hey," I send the three a shy smile. "Hey," Ryan greets elbowing Rachel and Aubrey in their sides. "Hi," they murmur not making eye contact with me. I let a sigh escape me as I sit down. "I'm sorry i got mad about you three being busy, It's just... lately I feel so alone and i've been looking forward to this weekend since school started," I confess. "Lila it's fine, We get it. With Jevan living in new york and your parents always gone for work, your trapped in that house," Audrey states. "Sometimes we get stuck in our problems and you always helping us that we forget you have your own. We're sorry we haven't been the best of best friends recently," Rachel says looking at me with apologetic eyes.

"It's fine guys, I love helping you, it distracts me from the loneliness. You guys have been amazing best friends and I couldn't ask for anyone else to be be my friends," I state. It was true, their families were mine and sure they had dysfunctional families but I envied the closeness they had with their families. It was something my family lacked. "Hey, how about I talk to my uncle, he'll understand and I could come over for the sleepover," Ryan offers. "Yea and I know it was supposed to be us but I know Bentley has been wanting to see you so maybe I could bring her?" Rachel asks. "And i'll just get mom and dad to pity me," Audrey shrugs. "I would love that but I forgot that cheerleading practice was this weekend," I wince feeling bad that the three were trying their best. "Maybe we can schedule it for next friday?" Audrey asks. "That sounds good with me," Ryan says as me and Rachel agree. "Okay, next Friday it is," I nod marking it down in my calendar. The lunch bell rings indicating the end of lunch,

  "Yay Algebra," I mutter standing up from the table. Sending a wave goodbye to my red headed and brunettes friends, me and Ryan start walking towards Mr. Harolds. "I wanted to ask you something," Ryan asks. "What is it?" I reply carefully avoiding the rushing bodies of our schoolmates. "I was wondering if you could teach me to paint. I know I could have taken an art class but no ones as good of a teacher as you or has your talents," Ryan says. "Ryan! Awww i'm flattered," I say holding a hand over my heart. I hear him scoff before playfully pushing me making me giggle. "I would love to teach you," I beam as we reach class. "good, I was scared you would say no," he sighs in relief. "I could never say no to your face," I smile patting his cheeks and walking to my seat. I sit down and groan knowing that the next hour was going to be boring. Why did math have to be mandatory?

WC: 750
.... Hi guys!.... I just want to say i am so sorry for not updating like ilI promised but the news is that I have finally found my writers inspiration again so I can officially say I am back. Also how would you all feel about me having a little contest type thing for y'all so that you can get your ideas into the book? let me know in the comments but I hope you all enjoy the chapter and expect a new one on monday.

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